Fr. Steve’s updates

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today was a Day of Recollection for our local SCJ priests and brothers.

To help us enter into this season of Lent more deeply, we invited Fr. John, one of our confreres from Milwaukee, to give us a series of reflections.

He chose the beatitudes as found in Matthew’s gospel to remind us how we’re supposed to model our lives.

In the places he’s lived and worked, Fr. John showed a poverty of spirit by taking time with people who were poor and overlooked. We lived and worked together in Eagle Butte on the Cheyenne River Reservation.

When hungry people came to the door asking for a sandwich, he fed them, but also gave them some quality time and tried to get to know them as people. He’s still very fondly remembered there and in the other places he’s been.

I can get busy with many activities and accomplish many things. But, it’s still so important not to lose sight of the people whose path crosses mine.

Those I meet might be struggling, mourning, sick or afraid. I won’t know that unless I’m willing to give them my time, and listen and get to know who they really are.

Having a day to pray, and leave work behind, is always a blessing, but often a mixed blessing. I say that because sometimes keeping busy helps me to forget about the cancer, and I don’t want to be thinking about it constantly.

The times of quiet prayer increased my awareness of the fear and anxiety that is still within me. But prayer is also a place to find strength and trust and the invitation by God to turn it all over.

… prayer is also a place to find strength and trust
and the invitation by God to turn it all over

That’s an ongoing process I keep working at.

Author: St. Joseph's Indian School

At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.

8 thoughts on “Fr. Steve’s updates”

    1. What you have done unto the least of my brethren, you have done unto me.
      I think that’s how it goes, isn’t it?

      I take into account that this is how the shaman work also, is it not?
      I still urge you to go to a shaman for healing. It would be a very intense healing, between two holy men.
      Trust is what makes it happen, you can have all the faith in the world, but you must trust it to happen. And as there are many simularities between your belief systems, it shouldn’t be a big leap. I know you’re aware of what they can do, so, please, let them help you in your quest to help the children. Please, your job is not yet done- and your tomorrows are affected by what you do today!!!

      Dark Owle

  1. What an exemplary human being you are..! While most of the world walks in a coma of self-righteous nothingness, you are busy putting lives together, healing all you come in contact with..and creating a better world in the way God would have it.
    You have no idea of the effect you have had on my very positive and real ways..!
    Love and Blessings..
    Mia Inez Archer

  2. Good Day Father,

    I know what you mean. It is easy for us to forget about other things when our mind is focused on things like work or studies. When we have troubles, busying our mind with something else seems to help for a while. As you mention, this can be very good sometimes.

    On the other hand, when those quiet times come to us, God gives us a choice of handling them as well. We can either busy our minds with something else, or we can call onto Him. Fears at times try to pop up anywhere as we all know. But when I ask Jesus to be by my side whatever I find myself doing….reading, walking, eating, doing dishes, He reminds me there is no room for fear when He is there 🙂


  3. Father,

    With all respect, I do not know you or Dark Owl, but I felt moved to write a response in agreement him.

    Father, you have a blessed opportunity for the shamans to help you. Truly it is a great gift being placed at your feet. They offer this with great love. If you feel unsure for any reason, just speak to God about it 🙂 He’ll guide, as always.


  4. Fr Steve,
    A cousin of my wife who also fought this battle hadsaying I used to repeat,”I have cancer, it does not have me!”

    I really feel that says it all! Have a blessed day today!

  5. Hi Fr. Steve –

    You are amazing & inspire me so much! May God bless you & keep you close to Him, where there there is no fear, only love.

    Blessings to you!

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