More life lessons

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A delightful couple from Louisiana stopped by to visit. They’d received something from St. Joseph’s years ago, and put it away in a drawer. They thought the work we are doing looked good on paper, but didn’t want to give to a cause they hadn’t seen for themselves As they were preparing for a trip to this area, they rediscovered that tucked away picture and decided to make St. Joseph a stop on their tour. After learning first hand of what we are trying to do, they left a substantial donation. I wish all of our donors would have that opportunity, but many cannot make the trip.

Many folks do make sort of pilgrimage here in September when we have our annual Powwow. Because it has grown year after year, we need all hands on staff to accommodate the visitors and activities. This afternoon I spoke to the business staff to enlist their help next year. Rather than seeing it as a burden, one staff member who works with the mail every day said it will actually be nice to get out of the office and be part of the festivities.

I finished the day with supper at the William Home (4th & 5th grade girls). When I arrived, they were playing a game of Twister, and invited me to join in. It looked like fun. But the foot nerves haven’t completely healed, and my balance is shaky. I chose just to watch instead, and giggle at the knots they got themselves into. Before supper their counselors had a group session to teach our students about bullying. The counselors emphasized the difference between tattling (telling to get someone into trouble) and reporting (telling to keep people safe and out of trouble). That’s a valuable life lesson to learn.

Author: St. Joseph's Indian School

At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.

2 thoughts on “More life lessons”

  1. I too had been a contributor for over 20 years, and was able to visit the campus when I was transferred to a new pastorate in Wyoming. My eldest son was with me. He said,” Mom, keep on sending them money. It is being well used. ” Both of us were very impressed by all that we saw. The only other Western Museum that I have seen which is better than that on campus, is the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody, Wyoming. If you can, please take time to visit.

  2. The counselors are right on the ball.!Communication in the right direction is a giant step in problem solutions. Good work..!
    Father, are you sure that Junipero Serra is not trying to tell you something..? Frankly, we would guess that you are doing swell with your expect an awful lot of yourself. What you don’t seem to notice is the influence of simply your presence and what it does for lives..which is an awful lot..So just keep on keeping on…It’s more than the rest of us can do, usually..!
    Hugs and Prayers..
    Mia and Bob

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