Fr. Steve’s updates

Both areas have a tremendous beauty and speak to me of God’s greatness. I feel small when I’m part of the vast landscape, but also part of something much bigger than myself.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

After radiation today, I met with an oncologist R.N. who was very helpful coaching me in practical things – what kinds of foods to eat or avoid eating these next few weeks, what kind of soap and skin care lotions work best for avoiding drying effects of radiation, drinks that will help keep me hydrated etc. The staff continues to give us tools to help us get through the rough spots.

By 10, I was done with my medical appointments for the day, so Fr. Jerry and I took a short trip to get out of the city and enjoy some country sunshine. When traveling with a friend, the time passes so quickly.

We ended up in the town of Winona overlooking the mighty Mississippi  River. The bluffs are much higher than back home on the banks for the Missouri, and here the trees are thick and plentiful.

Both areas have a tremendous beauty and speak to me of God’s greatness. I feel small when I’m part of the vast landscape, but also part of something much bigger than myself.

Another place of beauty we found was the local Maritime Museum, with wonderful paintings and displays. The galleries featured nature scenes, impressionist paintings and some incredibly detailed paintings of historical ships.

While I never developed my own artistic skills, I appreciate the work of others. Beauty helps heal us – body and soul. I appreciated being absorbed in activities that completely took me away from thinking about medicine and doctors.

Beauty helps heal us – body and soul.