Fr. Steve’s updates

My SCJ community starts each day with morning prayer a little before seven.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My SCJ community starts each day with morning prayer a little before seven.

As I walked down the hill to the chapel, I noticed how the days are getting a little brighter each morning; today, the sun was already peaking over the hill when I left the house.

There was dew on the grass … birds chirping in many harmonies. Campus is quiet before the day starts, and you never know what each day will bring. But, having a serious illness gives you a perspective that life is fragile and precious, and each new day is a gift.

Before prayer, I prayed I will continue to use my time wisely in a way that benefits others.

Besides office work and a trip to the business office, I got to enjoy our 8th graders giving their PowerPoint presentations on figures in history.

I was running late, and they actually finished early. But, the students were really enthusiastic, and had a little class time left, so Cody and Jackie asked if they could do theirs again – a repeat performance. I learned a few new things about John Adams and JFK.

I also learned to appreciated the enthusiasm of a young person who’s put in a lot of work and wants to share.

St. Joseph's Lakota youth presentations

St. Joseph's Lakota youth presentations