Preparing for preparations

Thursday January 13, 2011

The first day back in the office after time away means extra time on the phone and answering mail, and today was no exception. We also had a Board of Directors conference call today, and packed a lot of business into a 90 minute session. Our board members are spread out over several different states, and we only meet together on campus twice a year. We find that in between phone conferences, those visits keep the everyday business rolling along.

Next, I met with my Management Team. We are making preparations for our mission awareness week in March. We want all of our staff to understand the philosophy and values that St. Joseph’s Indian School was founded on, and talked about ways to make it come alive. We’ll have some combination of prayer services and small group gatherings to help people own and think about those principles.

While I just got back from one donor luncheon trip, it’s time to begin preparations for the next one. Come February, we will travel to Tucson, Arizona. I practiced with Brendan and Isaiah, who had a lot to say for a first time practice. In light of the tragic shootings in Tucson, one of the boys asked if we would be safe there. Our hearts do go out to all those who have suffered from violence there and elsewhere.

Since Brendan and Isaiah are both from Speyer (6th – 8th grade boys) after practice I joined their home for dinner. The students didn’t get to hang around too long because tonight, they were off to basketball practice. In those cases they do their homework right away when they get home from school.

Author: St. Joseph's Indian School

At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.

One thought on “Preparing for preparations”

  1. Glad to know that you are back on board after the eventful trip..!
    Future plans sound great. Getting out there and meeting people is fun..and a swell way to build the future..for everyone !
    Prayers..and Hugs to all”
    Mia and Bob

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