Fr. Steve’s updates

I started the last week of radiation! The end is in sight, but instead of making the time go easier, it seems to be getting harder. I’m anxious to get home.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I started the last week of radiation!  The end is in sight, but instead of making the time go easier, it seems to be getting harder. I’m anxious to get home. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

At times today I felt like a zombie, just going through the motions, drifting with no definite sense of purpose.  Still very sleepy. I’m so ready for this stage to get over. These are the times when I just have to hang tough and pray for patience and perseverance.

Once you speak about the fears and struggles out loud,
they lose some of their power to bring you down.

It helps having folks around to be able to talk with and vent. So many of us are experiencing similar feelings and emotions. Once you speak about the fears and struggles out loud, they lose some of their power to bring you down. The key is to face discouragements squarely in order to be able to chase them away.

Besides the camaraderie here, a couple of phone calls from friends helped give me perspective and picked up my spirits. Love and friendship are always great remedies when our spirits need a lift. I’m so grateful for people far and near who have shown such care.

Fr. Steve’s updates

While I’m lying on the table receiving radiation, I’ve found myself using those 15 minutes for prayer. Some are petitions as I think about family and friends who need strength to face their own struggles. Some are just moments of thanks for the blessings that come my way each day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

While I’m lying on the table receiving radiation, I’ve found myself using those 15 minutes for prayer. Some are memorized prayers I’ve said since I was a child. Some are petitions as I think about family and friends who need strength to face their own struggles. Some are just moments of thanks for the blessings that come my way each day.

And, I pray for healing. Instead of the treatments increasing my anxiety level, I come away refreshed and blessed.

Tonight for Holy Thursday, I con-celebrated mass at the local parish. Sometimes it’s difficult to find people willing to get their feet washed, but here many folks eagerly participated. That ritual does inspire in me compassion and renews God’s call to service.

This community attracts people from all over the world, and the prayer intentions reflected that. Parish members offered their petitions in English, Arabic, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Lingala, Gaelic and Spanish. Despite our differences, we’re all united as members of God’s family.