We’re having a problem with our high school enrollment – but a good problem to have. Traditionally, lots of our 8th grade graduates start our program and attend classes at Chamberlain Public High School. But most tend to transfer out to schools closer to home as time goes on. But, through our efforts at transitions and independent living, we have retained more of our high school youth.
If the trend continues, we won’t have nearly enough room for a strong crop of upcoming 8th grade graduates. We particularly have a strong group of 8th grade boys, with seven of them on the honor roll, and only four spaces projected to be open next year. Since we are finishing the major stage of our home renovations, we have the opportunity to open another home, and use it to have a place for those students. We had meetings today to discuss the logistics and possible staffing that would require.
Congratulations! to those seven (7), honor roll students; an asset to society- and, a feather in St. Joseph’s cap.
Keep up the good work!