Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Boring news. The doctors didn’t find anything wrong and told me to come back in April for the next check up! That’s the word we’ve all been hoping and praying for. Both the oncologist and radiologists said that I’ve made great progress in the six months since surgery.
Myxoid Lipo-Sarcoma is a fairly rare form of cancer. While there are no signs of it now, the danger is its potential for of recurring. Rather than talking about a cure, we have to keep watching closely, and I have to learn to live with that degree of uncertainty. I can let it drive me crazy, or I can wake up each day and thank God for the gift and try to make the most out of it. I was certainly filled with lots of gratitude today.
While eating breakfast and reading the paper, I got to meet bishop Quinn, who came to the parish for the Holy Day mass at the parish High School. He promised to remember me in his prayers, so I felt a special blessing to start the day. For the Immaculate Conception Holy Day I concelebrated the noon mass in the parish which drew a good crowd. South Dakota is a small state and afterward several people with roots there came up to me to chat. One has an aunt in Chamberlain that I know well. Another attended a funeral of a relative in Stephan, and we realized we had met there before. Small world.
I left for Sioux Falls late in the afternoon after my last consultation. I again spent some drive time in prayer, thankful for the doctors, medicine, and prayers and support of so many people. Then I turned on the radio and sang along with all the songs I knew with lots of joy and gusto as the miles passed quickly by.