Urgent prayer request! There is an affliction running through our eighth graders and seniors in varying degrees of intensity. The kids are displaying bouts of talking back, reverting to behaviors from early in their development, flat out disrespect and little to no signs of gratitude. The official and technical term for the affliction is “eighth-grade-itis” or “senior-itis.” Continue reading “Please Send Your Prayers!”
Author: St. Joseph's Indian School
High Schoolers Explore the Possibilities
St. Joseph’s high school staff works hard to help students prepare for the future. Krista, our Transition Specialist, assists students with applications, scholarships and more, but also plans visits and activities throughout the school year. Continue reading “High Schoolers Explore the Possibilities”
Fourth Grade Hosts Science Fair
Work for the fourth grade science fair began the second week of school – way back in August! Students started by learning the steps to the Scientific Method and deepening their understanding of them. These steps include: Continue reading “Fourth Grade Hosts Science Fair”
Waiting for Spring
It’s finally starting to feel like spring at St. Joseph’s Indian School! A few weeks ago, cabin fever was raging — the snow kept coming and it didn’t feel like winter would ever end!
So, our rec center staff got creative with activities and planned a bingo night at the rec center! Continue reading “Waiting for Spring”
Third Grade Hosts Wax Museum
Third grade recently hosted their second annual wax museum! Some of the historical figures represented were Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Martin Luther King, Jr., Sacagawea, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. This activity helped students to learn about people from history and the impact they made, as well as skills like reading, writing, speaking, researching, and typing. Continue reading “Third Grade Hosts Wax Museum”
What a Sport!
I remember one of the first high school basketball games I went to as a sixth grader spectator. I was nervous and not really sure what to expect of the big kids in the student section. I remember walking into the Legion Auditorium our school used for games. The slightly sweaty smell from the players and crowd, hot humid air, the adults sitting around the gym, and the noise. I remember making my way to the student section, sitting down and feeling a bit out of place. I was new to this and didn’t know or understand the rules of cheering at a game. But soon, learned what one could or couldn’t do. Learning the cheers, knowing when to stand up and shout and knowing when to be quiet. Taking my cues from the older kids and learning what sportsmanship was. It was exciting being part of the group and being swept up into the hysteria of the moment. I still think I could yell some of the cheers from those days!
Flipping over St. Joseph’s Indian School!
Starting in 2011 the Rec Center decided to give our younger girls an opportunity to try gymnastics. When we started out, we just had a small room with a tile floor and a stack of puzzle mats. The first couple of years, only girls in first through third grades participated, learning basic tumbling skills and stretching. Continue reading “Flipping over St. Joseph’s Indian School!”
Sharing Spring Fun
High school girls in St. Joseph’s Giles Home recently shared some spring fun with residents at a local assisted living center. As part of their spring community service project, the girls baked pumpkin bars to serve during the residents’ afternoon coffee hour. The ladies loved them! Continue reading “Sharing Spring Fun”
CATCH program gives students new approach to diet and exercise
2018 is shaping up to be a healthy year at St. Joseph’s Indian School!
As of January 15, a new program called Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) is in place for students. The program is part of a nationwide effort to combat childhood obesity and teach students healthy lifestyles. Continue reading “CATCH program gives students new approach to diet and exercise”
Reflections from a Residential Coordinator

My grandmother, Emerald, took pictures all the time. She always had her camera on the ready with back up batteries and film. She would take pictures at family gatherings, funerals, graduations, a new house; you name it and Emerald was taking pictures. She was always herding people together for a picture. The running joke in the family was about Emerald and her camera. “Emerald better get a picture of that!” Continue reading “Reflections from a Residential Coordinator”