What a mess!!! Mother Nature needs to be reminded this is spring. On Sunday, South Dakota experienced a tornado to the east that damaged the town of Delmont and

blizzards to the west which dumped over 12” of snow in the Black Hills. This unexpected blizzard trapped three of St. Joseph’s homes who were on their end-of-the-year family trip. Here in Chamberlain we had rain, wind and blustery weather which had everyone searching for packed-away sweaters.
The bad weather also played havoc with a soccer tournament over in Mitchell in which the boys from Ambrose Home and the local Chamberlain community were taking part. The team had won their first two games and spent the night in Mitchell to see if they could continue their success on Sunday. The tornado put an end to that and caused them to take shelter in a basement for nearly an hour before the all clear was given. They are not sure if the game will be re-scheduled, but they’ll have something to talk about for a while!
The rain also forced the Chamberlain High School girls’ golf team to miss out on advancing to regional play in their quest to move on to the state golf meet. The meet will probably be made up and we wish St. Joseph’s student Irene success as she carries the colors for Chamberlain High School and St. Joseph’s.
Artist in Residence Jenny Menzel spent last week with St. Joseph’s seventh and eighth grade students, teaching them to design and produce invitation cards and thank you notes. Tipi Press Printing, our print shop, will be helping the students get them printed.

This past Wednesday, we had a prayer service honoring our six high school graduates. During the ceremony a video was shown in which our graduates gave advice to our younger students, shared what they see their future holding and what schools they’ll be attending in the fall. Tonight, the Baccalaureate service will be held at St. James Catholic Church for all of the Chamberlain High School 2015 graduating class. Friday will be their last day of school and graduation is scheduled for Sunday.
Chamberlain High School recently held a ceremony honoring the academic achievements of various class members and awarded scholarships. Angela, a St. Joseph’s student, was named a Regent’s Scholar and won the Ruth Potter Memorial/Dakota Indian Foundation Scholarship. Congratulations Angela!
On Mother’s Day we remembered our moms at Mass and then passed out flowers to all the mothers. It was also a Mass to honor our eighth grade graduates. Those attending were asked to take part in the blessing offered for the moms and the graduates.
I hope you have a wonderful week. You are remembered in our prayers as we ask God’s blessings on you for your generosity and interest in the welfare and education of the Lakota boys and girls attending St. Joseph’s Indian School.
God bless,
Fr. Anthony
Sorry to hear about all the bad weather. May God Blessings be on you all!
Thank you Theresa!
We were blessed to be spared both the snow and the severe storms, and weâre very grateful for the rain!
Hi Fr Anthony
Heard about the awful weather you all are having.. May the good Lord protect and bless you always. Congratulations to all the graduating seniors.and special congratulations to Angela.. way to GO!!
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers Antonia!
Its very nice to hear about the children at St. Joseph’s and what you all are doing. Thank You. Hope your week gets better!! God Bless.
Thank you Janice â blessings to you as well!
So good to know what is happening at St. Jo’s and with the students. Whoa!! the weather has just been unimaginable lately..snow in May..ok..make snowmen and have a snowball fight to talk about this summer 🙂 Here in the midwest, Iowa, there has been some tornados..down southwest..here we have strong winds and some chilly days.Am so glad to hear the students have gone above and beyond to receive awards..YIPPEE!! Congrats to all!!
Hope you are able to return and finish the tournament..way to go!! I have been baking for the past two days as my church is having a bake sale/garage sale to raise funds to send kids to summer camp. I don’t want to see chocolate chip cookies doe a while as I baked lots! Also cleaned out the closets and my gosh what one accumulates..and just does not need. My junque..someones treasure 🙂 Gotta run..going to go see the Lion King play tonight with a friend..looking forward to that! Gods blessings upon all and may Jesus keep you all safe. Shari
Thank you for your kind words Shari! Blessings in the many things you do!