On Friday, May 10, St. Joseph’s third grade students went to the Buffalo Interpretive Center on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation, near

Pierre, South Dakota, for our field trip!
At the center, students had the opportunity to sit on real buffalo skins, examine real artifacts made from the buffalo, and learn how each of the different parts of the buffalo were used traditionally by the Lakota (Sioux) people.
They loved the hands-on experience of looking at the different artifacts and tools!
At the end of our tour, we watched a movie about the buffalo. As part of the exhibit,

students could look through a telescope and find the buffalo grazing near the Interpretive Center. In all the times St. Joseph’s third graders have traveled to the Interpretive Center, the buffalo have been next to the exhibit only one time. Every other time, students have needed to look through the telescope.
It’s always fun to see the excitement the students have to learn about the traditional culture of the Lakota and the way of life their ancestors practiced.
Heather, third grade teacher

sounds wonderful….