Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My sister Anne asked if on St. Patrick’s Day the chemotherapy medicine might have a hint of green in it, but no such luck!
But, the medical news was very encouraging. The first two cycles of chemotherapy have been eating away at the tumor, and it’s shrunk perhaps 15%, and in one spot, it’s decreased in size by almost an inch.
Now, we’re changing to some different chemotherapy medicines that aren’t quite as intense, and I’ll only have one more of those in about 4 weeks.
The CT scan of my chest and lungs came back clear, so nothing has spread. All indications are that we’re heading toward a successful surgery sometime in May.
I’ll have lots of time on my hands but primarily need to rest. As I get my energy back, I’ll try to walk more, exercise and enjoy the good things spring has to offer.
I brought a good pile of books with me (both spiritual and fun ones), a stack of letters to answer and a computer to keep in touch with family, friends and, of course, the folks at school.
Since it’s spring break, things are quieter around campus this week. But many staff are still on the job, working hard to do the behind-the-scenes tasks that make St. Joseph’s successful.
Good morning Fr. Steve. What refreshing news. I know everything is going to be fine with you. Have a blessed day…
Isn’t the power of prayer wonderful? I know all your friends are praying for you and it seems like the shrinking of the tumor is a good start.
That is very encouraging news! God obviously has more work for you to do here on earth!! That is good for you and for St. Joe’s. Enjoy the peace.
Dear Fr. Steve, my husband and I were saddened by your letter telling us about your Cancer. Since then, we put your name on the prayer list in our Cathedral bulletin. I have the Poor Clares keeping you in prayer and have made a personal Novena to St. Joseph for you. You mean so much to many, especially your wonderful children. God listen to prayers, especially the children’s Dr. John & Helen
Dear Fr. Steve,
We are very happy to hear that you are doing so well. We will continue to pray for a successful and speedy recovery and that your cancer goes into remission and stays there. The Lord shines His Love down upon you truly. God Bless you and all you do for the children.
Nancy & Kenny Raymond
Glad to hear your upbeat blog today. The sun is shining very brightly here in West Virginia today. It has gone completely from winter to Spring in only a few days. I saw tips of my tulips poking their green shoots out in my garden this morning. It won’t be much longer til we’re out on the deck every night for dinner. Afet your better you’ll have to plan a trip here to enjoy some time together.Have a really good day! God bless, Joe
That is really good news Father
Your doing wonderful and your making it Father. It’s the prayers…..we are with you….every step of the way..
This is VERY good news..! Sounds like everything is moving along very well..! We know it can be pretty tough sleddind through it..BUT..pretty soon it will be behind you. You will be fit as fiddle..and then the REAL dance can begin..! So we hope that one of the books you have with you tells you some new dance steps..! Keep up the good work..
Samba, Mambo,Plie` and Pirouette..!
Mia and Bob
I just received some mail from St. Joseph’s soliciting funds. I have several questions – 1) how did you get my information
2) What kind of orgaization are you – public/private/non-profit?
3) Do you have the support of the Lakota people? What is the closest tribal office to you and can you provide me their contact information?
4) Are you a day school, residential school?
Thank you for your prompt reply. L. Epps
Great questions; we appreciate your interest. In short, St. Joseph’s is a privately-funded non-profit residential/educational facility for Native American boys and girls. Please watch your inbox for a message from You’ll soon receive detailed answers from us!
Father Steve, it was so good to meet you in
Columbia, SC. Please know that you are in my prayers and share the happy news about
your treatment.
If there is a speck of room on your prayer
list please remember Fr Valtierra.
Wish I could send you bottled South Carolina
St Joseph’s special blessings on his day and
from his Parish here in Columbia, Paula
Sorry, I only have E-mail. PG