Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!
St. Joseph’s recently handed out academic hardware to our high school Homes with the best academic averages and the least amount of missing assignments. The first award went to those who have maintained a 3.0 or higher grade point average for the entire semester. We give a shout out (and a prize!) to Listella, Sarah, Reyna, Hope, Camron, Danielle, Ashley, Martina and Trey for achieving this high standard!
The high school Home with the highest GPA went to the Hogebach home! They also captured the award for least missing assignments, which I’m sure helped them secure the high GPA they are boasting.
Since the seniors are in a new program this year, the two senior homes competed against one another. The Senior Girls Home won with a 2.90 GPA and also captured the least amount of missing assignments. Their efforts also enabled them to win the award for most improved GPA as they went from a C grade up to a B-.
The High School Advisor, Patrick, said the competition was very close and new winners could emerge next time.
The weekend of January 15-18 saw two of our high school students, Kayla and Sarah, travel with several staff members to attend a donor luncheon in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Both girls enjoyed the experience immensely! They had the chance to meet and interact with donors, answer questions and thank those who make the things we do at St. Joseph’s possible!
Their free time was filled with touring Ft. Lauderdale, visiting the beach, shopping, riding a water taxi and seeing where the big cruise ships dock. They also enjoyed the warm weather – a big change from the South Dakota winter! Both girls mentioned it was an opportunity they’ll never forget.
We thank those who attended the luncheon and made the girls feel so welcome. Our next Donor Luncheon, with two high school boys attending, will be in Scranton, Pennsylvania April 23 and 24. If you’re able to attend or would like more information, please visit www.stjo.org/luncheon or call 1-800-584-9200.
Some more good news– our staff at the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center are doing a great job at making our guests and visitors feel welcome as they tour the museum and St. Joseph’scampus.
It was recently announced that the Akta Lakota Museum received the George S. Mickelson Great Service Award! We are so proud of Vickie, Char, Lorie, Shannon, Wilfred, Dixie and our seasonal staff! You can view the press release here: http://argusne.ws/1nqOZIq.
The chili cook-off for our staff took place recently as well! Mike won the soup competition (I believe he may have had an inside advantage since he is our Food Service Manager) and Eric’s chili was the best of the bunch! Though there was a cash prize, I’m sure they enjoyed feeding their fellow staff more.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Please know that we keep you in our prayers and ask the Great Spirit to continue to bless you with peace and good health.
Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ
Hi Fr Anthony.. Seems like Cape Cod is getting some of your weather.. VERY cold with winds chills 25-30 below zero. I am sure Kayla and Sarah really enjoyed the warm weather. Congratulations to those whose academic averages were winners, and of course let’s no forget to congratulate the winners of the soup and chili competition.. Have a great weekend. Happy Valentines Day.
Thanks for your kind comment, Antonia! We hope you are staying warm!!
everything OK. Thank you
On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 7:38 AM, St. Josephs Indian School Blog wrote:
> St. Joseph’s Indian School posted: ” Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian > School! St. Joseph’s recently handed out academic hardware to our high > school Homes with the best academic averages and the least amount of > missing assignments. The first award went to those who have maintained a > 3.0 o” >
Blessings to you, Bill!
Good job. I pray all continues to move forward. I hope all are blessed. Nothing like a happy child. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words, James! Blessings to you!