Our Children

Since 1927, St. Joseph’s Indian School has been working with the youngest Native American victims to bring them loving care, a well-rounded education and the hope they need to break free from the misery surrounding them.

Some of the Native American children at St. Joseph's Indian School.
Some of the American Indian children at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
  • Only 13% of our students live with both biological parents
  • Less than 50% of the children live with a biological parent
  • More than 50% of our students have been exposed to drug or alcohol abuse
  • Nearly 52% of the Native American children have been exposed to domestic violence

Learn more about the Lakota children of St. Joseph’s Indian School here!


22 thoughts on “Our Children”

  1. May God bless the staff and the children during this time of trial for Father Steve! The fellowship from the Church of the Brethren in Crystal, Michigan send our love to all of you: “All things work together for good for those that love the Lord”. All of you will continue to be in our prayers!



  3. Fr. Steve
    You and the children are in our prayers .Blessed Easter to everyone.
    Arlene luther

  4. Dear father steve, I recived a dream catcher the other day, and the Lord touched my heart to do some thing for at least the small kids. I make angles,out of yarn and I would love to send the kids one. Could you tell me how many there are? Would it be alright with you? It’s a small gift with a Bible verse. You and the kids are in my prayers, God Bless and keep you all. Love in Christ, Linda Grant

  5. father steve i dobated on line but it hasnt shown upn my accountnow im worriedi hope the children can have something for xmass is the jobs out threreare they as scarce as y are herehwrehowis the job s out thereim having trouble with mt typing sorry

  6. Went to our local pow wow a week ago Sunday- my son did some dancing & played his flute; he sold a few of his CD’s so that most of the monet would go to St. Joseph’s & St. Labre. I would dearly love to be able to come to St. Joseph’s to see ” my ” kids dance in their pow wow, but am not physically able to do so because of my breathing problems- however, I will be there ” in Spirit ” ! Hugs and kisses to all my beautiful kids & much love! Granny Joyce Buchman

  7. Ask for prayers for Aaron And Aylssa Box’s Grandpapa Harry who is very sick and he misses the kids very much. I will pray everyday God will take his pain away. Prayer will take the pain away.

  8. I really miss that school and I miss Jacquelynne Rank and everybody they make my day everytime i think about them I hope that everyone has a good year there. Love your friend Jillian Rank

  9. I do to miss that school, but mostly i miss Leslie Sitting Crow she was closest friend i ever had their, we would always look out for each other be there when we needed each other. I just miss that school a lot it changed me and it made a good person for whom I’m become. I went to rosebud springcreek to see my aunt josie and my grandparents and my little sister ciara, it was happy to see them. The town that we past was chamberlain and i ask my mom if we could drive through their but she said no and i said i wanted to come and visit and see what had changed their but we didnt so year. :(((

    1. Hey LaChasity – it’s great to hear from you!
      Fr. Steve was elected Provincial Superior and now works in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. He still visits St. Joseph’s, but isn’t here every day. He is currently cancer-free and doing very well! Mike, your old coach, says hi! We are glad you are doing well and wish you all the best!

  10. My wife and I met a very nice girl who is working at the misaim named Danielle Arpan who was very helpful in talking with us about the school and her goals in life. We wish her well as she will be a seniors next year. She gave us her name and address as she would like to see some of the books I have on Ogallala Indian history mainly Crazy Horse as I am a relative to his spirit and wish to help her in her struggle in life. The Wife and I have been donating money for the past 20 or so years and wish to thank St. Joseph School of the love and care given to all who are there. I also given the school two drums one a large Pow-Wow and a smaller one made by me to be given to the children to use in any way they wish. Thank you for all you do. Ron and Lidia from Leroy, Michigan…

  11. i am a quilter and would like to donate finished quilts or fabric. Is there any need for fabric to teach the children to sew? I live in NJ and wish I lived closer to come visit your school and volunteer to teach sewing or quilting. But I will continue to donate money for your school. Love, Mary

    1. Quilts are always such a special gift that we accept. Our mailing address is as follows:
      St. Joseph’s Indian School
      1301 N Main Street
      Chamberlain, South Dakota 57325

      Thank you so much for your generosity!

  12. I make winter crochet hats for children. Last year I donated 60 to an orphanage. My sister told me about your school and I would like to donate my hats to your children for those cold winter months. Please let me know it this is okay, I have your mailing address.

    1. Thank you so much, Teresa! Yes, donations like this are always appreciated! We had a blistering winter last year and items like this are so important. Thank you for the offer.

  13. I am so impressed with this organization. My heart goes out to our Native American Indian children. My high school teacher was very passionate about teaching us about the atrocities the US Government perpetuated on the American Indians. It was pure evil what happened to the American Indian. I have the same passion my teacher instilled in me over 30 years ago and I’ve been donating to this organization for quite a while now. I have just been blessed with a wonderful new job and I want to share my resources with the American Indian children you care for, nurture, and raise to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am filled with so much compassion thanks to the wonderful people that make this organization so successful. Thank you for all you do for the children you care for. I just set up a monthly donation to St Joseph’s Indian School to continue to assist with caring for these wonderful and beautiful children. May God bless you and I can’t wait to read about all the good this organization does!

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