Sunday, March 7, 2010
We had a smaller than usual crowd in church today.
Each of the homes has enough recreation money budgeted to take an occasional trip to one of the bigger cities in South Dakota like Sioux Falls or Rapid City. The children and houseparents attend church somewhere along the way and take part in fun, educational activities.
With a hint of spring in the air, a few homes took advantage of the improved weather and hit the road.
One of the homes still had some gift cards they got for Christmas, and the girls were looking forward to shopping for clothes and toys.
I spent the afternoon with Robert, the student I’m matched with as a mentor.
First, we went to the gym to cheer on our 7th and 8th grade girls who were playing in the championship weekend of our inter-city basketball league. About half the girls involved are St. Joseph’s students; the other half of the girls are from Chamberlain. It’s good seeing them play together while building trust and friendships.
Then, we went to Chamberlain’s bowling alley to join with others in the mentor program for a couple of hours on the lanes. At such gatherings there’s a lot more cheering on than competing. There’s little pressure and just a good time to be had by all. Maybe when I have the surgery I will see if the doctor can adjust my hook so I get more strikes instead of my usual 8 or 9 on the first ball!
On the weekends, I don’t have to get up as early as on school days. With the chance to sleep longer, my energy level has improved.
I’ve made it through the last couple of days without needing any naps. I have a few minor side effects from the medications, but for now, I’m feeling closer to normal. I start back up with treatments in about a week.