The Children Count Mentor Committee had their final gathering of the school year last night! Mentors and their Lakota student matches went roller-skating in Platte, South Dakota, which is about 50 miles from Chamberlain.

Everyone enjoyed an evening of roller staking, pizza and games. We also honored those who have been “matched” in St. Joseph’s mentor program the longest.
This year, Celia (staff) and Martina (high school student) have the longest running match. These two have been paired for seven years!
“The best part of the program is spending time with my mentor,” Martina says. “I can talk to Celia about anything. It also helped me to be more outgoing and to meet new people.”
We also have a newer match, with Wanda (staff) and Irene (high school student) who have been teamed for the past year.
“Having a mentor has been good for me because it has given me a chance to have some fun!” said Irene. “My schedule has been so busy this year. Also, it’s nice to spend time with someone outside of my home.”

As we wind down this 2013 school year, the Children Count Mentor Committee looks forward to next year at St. Joseph’s Indian School – making many more matches and renewing current successful matches!
looks like a lot of fun…