Lift them up in prayer

I met the newest member of St. Joseph’s Indian School’s staff  Emily, who will be our photographer and creative technician. You’ll soon see the fruits of her labor in the pictures that help chronicle the day-to-day activities and living history of St. Joseph’s Indian School. She will also help with all the brochures and newsletters we send out, so she will have plenty to do in the office. While our elementary students are away for spring break, it’s a good time to settle in and get to know other staff. Once the kids return, I’m sure Emily will enjoy testing her photographic skills.

While the school is quiet, the business office is running at full speed. In the last few weeks we’ve mailed out many dreamcatchers for our Spring Acquisition mail. Every year we have tried to interest new donors in our cause. There are tremendous needs all around the country and all around the world. As the donations, that keep us going, come in I am so grateful for people’s generosity to St. Joseph’s Indian School. Our director of finance also met with me to go over the budgets that we will present to our Board of Directors next month.

Besides the mail, we get lots of phone calls. Some are pleasant ones – people wanting to donate, folks with questions about the school, some wanting another dreamcatcher or prayer-book or item we’ve sent out. Some people don’t want to receive any more mail, and we’re happy to take their name off our mailing list. A few folks are angry that we’ve mailed them an appeal, and take it out on staff answering the phones. I stopped by to visit Tina and Melissa who shared about a few people who were just mean to them over the phone. Sometimes sharing the burden helps. When I field angry phone calls, I remind myself that the person may be having pressures and struggles that I know nothing about, and I try to be kind and understanding and maybe even lift them up in prayer.

The maintenance crew was working in the Dining Hall, taking advantage of the empty lunch room to install new energy-efficient lights in the kitchen. We’ve been doing that for several years now. On a good-sized campus, you have to plan that out over many years and we still have plenty of older light fixtures around.

I practiced with William and Kuwa, two of our freshmen boys who will represent St. Joseph’s Indian School at the April donor luncheons in Kansas City. They’re both somewhat nervous, but that’s why practice is so important – to help them overcome their fear of public speaking and realize that people are very interested in their perceptions and experiences, hopes and dreams.

I stopped for supper at the Hogebach Home (high school girls). Our two seniors there both have an acute case of senioritis, and are counting down the days until their May 22nd graduation. Both are making plans for attending the colleges where they’ve been accepted. We didn’t have enough grade school students who needed to stay on campus to warrant a separate Spring Break Home this year, but two junior high girls are staying in Hogebach this week until their own home reopens on Sunday.  They’ve interacted well with the other girls, but their older sister did give them a warning about going into her room and using her stuff without asking first. We face most of the same issues here that any family with kids faces!

A confession to make

The office was quiet this morning with only the custodian and I moving about. The family service counselors are all on spring break, my secretary has the flu and the two administrators in adjacent offices are away for a conference. It’s probably more reflective even than yesterday’s time of Recollection.

I stopped by the Akta Lakota Museum & Culture Center. Dixie, our museum director, is working with a woman from the South Dakota State Art Museum to evaluate our collection for the most significant pieces and look towards the future. How do we let people know and have access to the Native American art and artifacts of importance that we have? What kinds of exhibits would be good to pull together? What kinds of art are missing from our collection that we should try to go after if they become available? It’s good to collaborate with other agencies and draw on their expertise.

I partook of the freshly made popcorn at the maintenance shop during morning break. Besides the walk around tours of campus I do when I can, breaks are a good chance to check on our facilities crew and get updates on all the projects that they are working on. With the elementary school empty during break, this is a great time for projects the crew can’t get to during a normal school day.

I traveled two hours each way to the Rosebud Indian Reservation for an hour-long meeting. In South Dakota we just get used to distances, and the time in the car was actually quite peaceful. You can just point the car in the right direction, put on the cruise control, and appreciate the vast open spaces in every direction. The weather was mild and sunny and there was no traffic to worry about. I do however have a confession to make. I was lost in thought and not paying attention to the speedometer. One mile from home I got stopped in downtown Chamberlain going 25 in a 20 mph zone. I always warn visitors that our police in town are very vigilant about the speed limit. Even though 20 seems like you’re crawling after the 75 m.p.h. interstate speed, you need to be careful on the road to visit us.

Along the way I stopped for a bite to eat and ran into the mom of two former students waiting tables – a nice chance to catch up on how they‘re doing. The whole state of South Dakota is like a vast small town, with connections and relationships all along the way.

I ended the day with supper at Sheehy Home (high school boys). Three of the students are in track and one is in soccer. This week begins their 4th quarter, so the stress of midterms are past and everyone has a clean slate of homework and missing assignments. I checked on some of their class projects and presentations and encouraged them to keep focused and keep up with the daily work. When you can do that it sure lessens the stress at the end of the quarter.

Wonders and miracles

When I went over to the office to write some letters, I expected the place to be empty, but ran into a group of high school boys doing their Sunday afternoon bible study class led by one of our houseparents Mike. While our Catholic students receive their own catechism, we provide a non-denominational instruction for our students who come to us from other traditions. There are also times we bring in elders who are able to do Lakota (Sioux) ceremonies, like a sweat inipi on the grounds of the campus.

Spirituality and faith are two strong emphases of our program.

Our area SCJs gathered tonight for supper and a time of prayer and recollection. Brother Duane Lemke is visiting us from our formation house in Chicago and led the reflection session. We reflected on our SCJ constitutions, which call us to help bear one another’s burdens. My reflection centered on how many people rallied to help me this past year while I carried the burden of cancer. The support and affirmation I’ve received and many prayers have done wonders, perhaps miracles, in helping me recover.

Sitting around – swapping stories

Sandy, our newest Board of Director member was in town and stopped by for some orientation. I gave her a more detailed tour of campus and overview of our programs than she’s had in the past. Sandy herself attended an Indian boarding school some years ago, and was most impressed by our home style of living for the students – much different from the dorms associated with the past. I look forward to her insights about how we can better meet the needs of our students and their families.

With all of our elementary students gone for spring break (except two students, who will be staying in the high school home where their sister lives), we didn’t schedule weekend mass on campus. I went downtown to St. James to concelebrate, where I enjoy spending a little time with folks from town. All of our high school homes came to church tonight because that means they can sleep in Sunday morning. And given the chance, our students love to sleep in.

Each of the homes has some money in their recreation budget, so they can go out to eat every once in a while. After mass the Giles Home girls had an outing to Pizza Hut planned and invited me and Fr. Dominic to join them. On week nights when there is homework, ballgames, tutoring and countless other pressures, time together at the table can be rushed. But on a Saturday night with no other priorities, it was fun just sitting around swapping stories in a relaxed and leisurely manner. It gave me a chance to get to know this group of girls better, which I always appreciate.

Lakota students are on Spring Break

Today was the last day of classes for the first quarter and the start of Spring Break for the students here at St. Joseph’s Indian School. While we’ve had a few nicer days lately, the winter has been cold and snowy – both staff and students are ready for a break.

The Rosebud Sioux Tribe sends a bus to pick up students whose home is there, and they are among the first to leave. Students’ families were welcomed for lunch in the dining hall before they began their homeward journey. Half of our students live within an hour of St. Joseph’s Indian School, but others may have up to a 5 hour trip to get home. Classes dismissed at 2:00, and by 2:45 there were only 3 students left on campus waiting for a ride.

Our high school students attend Chamberlain Public High School and are on a different schedule, so we’ll still see those familiar faces around campus in the coming week. Today was the deadline for deciding which of our 8th grade students will continue on with our high school program next year. During the 4th quarter and for a few weeks this summer, we will be working with the eighth graders students to help them make the transition to Chamberlain High School or other schools closer to home that they will be attending high school.

Ribs anyone?

I had very little time to catch up before we jumped into a full day of strategic planning. We are looking at developing direction for St. Joseph’s Indian School for the next 3-5 years, as we keep in mind our overall vision for the future, and the work we strive to accomplish daily. This will involve lots of discussion meetings to come, and working groups to identify needs, challenges and opportunities. We hope to have a plan developed by January of 2012, so we’ll take some time to get it right. Our past strategic plans have kept us focused on the bigger projects we need, and have helped move the school forward. Because this involves the whole staff in partnership with students, their families and our donors, you never know the ideas and initiatives whose time has come for us to grasp onto and push ahead with.

After the day, all four of us on the management team were excited, but also tired, realizing all the work these processes take.

A Rib Fest at St. Joseph's Indian School.
A Rib Fest at St. Joseph's Indian School.

This evening Steve, our Dennis Home (1st-3rd grade girls) houseparent, took up the whole skating room for his annual Rib Fest in honor of his birthday. 32 current St. Joseph’s students have passed through his home and are still here, and he gathers them all together for this once a year celebration. This is the first year that he has had a student here in each of the 12 grades. Getting everyone together for a family picture was like herding cats, but we eventually got everyone lined up for a wonderful memento.

Channeling their energy

I had a spiritual direction session today, and I found myself saying things to the person that I need to take to heart myself. As you see good and important things that need to be done, what do you have to cut back on? If those activities and projects are really important, how can you inspire and enlist others to help you? I’m trying to dig out from the piles that have accumulated on my desk for the past 2 weeks, and know it is going to require patience, hard work and also some letting go.

As you see good and important things that need to be done, what do you have to cut back on?

After school, I stopped by the Rec Center to check out a couple of our newer extracurricular activities.  Houseparents, Chris and Aaron, were helping a group of archers to use the proper techniques and come closer to their target. That sport teaches the art of patience and self-control, and hopefully will inspire them to keep improving and achieve success, not just in a gym-but in life. The 4th and 5th grade boys have been rambunctious and had a few instances of name calling and bullying. They were in the game room working with Bryan and Bobby on a high energy body building exercise video. When I walked in near the end, they had worked up a good sweat, and hopefully channeled some of their energy into something more productive than fighting.

I ate supper with the Afra Home (1st-3rd grade girls). Since Spring Break begins tomorrow, all the homes are super charging to get things clean before they leave. This includes using up all the leftovers and perishables in the refrigerator. After supper Sherry, the Family Service Counselor, got a group of the girls together for an UNO game, which I joined. After several minutes of the girls arguing over who was going first and what direction we would go, Sherry took charge and got things started. If you’ve seen kids on the playground, they will often spend more time arguing about rules and who goes first than actual time playing. We are always looking for opportunities to teach and reinforce sharing and cooperation.

Congratulations Shay

Ash Wednesday. Though it’s not a Holy Day of Obligation, people make it Holy by their turnout and participation. With the call to fasting, prayer and almsgiving, the challenge for me is to look at the excess in my life, and how I can cut back on material things and more importantly time-wasting activities that don’t really matter. Then I can focus on what is more important. And there are plenty of activities that present themselves each day that call forth compassion and a more generous response.

All the students who wanted to, could come forth to receive ashes. There was of course some giggling as the ashes dropped onto glasses, noses and even caused a few sneezes. But it meant something to each of them too. There’s something primal about being marked with ashes, that signals a call to repentance and conversion. I pray we can work together to rise from the ashes and build a brighter future for our students.

At our management meeting, we selected 8 staff members who had been nominated by their peers to receive our Employee Service Awards. I’m encouraged by the many hard-working folks we have in many different areas of campus who work so hard to make a difference, and do so with a positive attitude that helps others.

Shay, one of our high school seniors, who was accepted to Creighton University was ecstatically excited and encouraged today. She interviewed for one of their Native American diversity scholarships, and got word that she was selected! She will receive almost 2/3 of her yearly costs from that one scholarship alone! Besides college seeming more real to her, with other help and hard work, she sees it as affordable and doable. When those dreams come true for our graduates, it encourages and inspires us as well.

I’m back from my travels

I’m back from my travels. Thanks to all our staff who filled in as guest bloggers during the days I was gone.

Our meetings in California focused on ways to reach out to and work with our donors. I also had some wonderful days of visiting relatives in the area, and enjoyed sunshine and warmer weather than South Dakota offers this time of year.

I next traveled with staff and two high school girls to Waukesha, Wisconsin for a couple of donor appreciation luncheons. Six of my SCJ community members who live in the Milwaukee area came to the luncheon on Saturday, and helped fill people in on the work here in South Dakota and what we’re about throughout the world.  

Shay and LaToya did a great job telling folks about their activities at St. Joseph’s, and their hopes and dreams for the future. In our free time we did a little touring, and since we were in the big city, some shopping. I went into more dress, purse and jewelry stores than I’ve ever been in, but it was entertaining and educational to see what caught a teenage girl’s fancy. The students were impressed by the vastness of Lake Michigan, and the vastness of a big city filled with so many different neighborhoods and opportunities.

Guest blogger: Fr. Anthony

With the approach of Lent, it was time to bring things to an end and begin here at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

The homes were asked to bring their old palms to church today so they can be burned and used on Ash Wednesday.

The inter-city girls’ basketball season came to an end with a 6th, 7th and 8th grade all-star games.  As part of the end of the season activities, there were free throw and three-point contests as well as drawing for door prizes.  Trophies and ribbons were then handed out to those on the championship team.

My one arm feels a bit longer than the other since we had bowling yesterday for our regular bowling league of 6th, 7th and 8th graders and then did it again later Saturday night with our high school students and some of their house parents.  It is exciting to see the improvement some are making and frustrating as others keep find the gutter rather than the head pin, your humble scribe included.

As Sunday was Girl Scout Sunday, we honored those in  scouting in grades 1 to 5.  We asked them to stand at Sunday Mass and then gave them a round of applause for their willingness to help others while having fun and discovering various things about themselves and the world around them.

Frances Jetty, the wife of Deacon Bud Jetty, who helps out at St. James in Chamberlain and here on campus at times, has been facing some medical problems.  The students here have been keeping her in their prayers and today she asked that the Mass be offered for all the sick of the area.  At the start of Mass, the students were asked to pause for a moment to think about anyone they knew who is struggling with health issues and then we lifted them all up to be remembered in the Mass intention.  I lifted up any of our Benefactors who are going through some physical or emotional difficulties at the moment.

Fr. Steve is schedule to return on Monday afternoon from the donor luncheon in Milwaukee, WI; he could be running into another big snow storm that is supposed to hit our area again.   Please say a prayer that he and the group that went with him will be able to make it back to campus safely.

Have a great week.  May your Lent get off to a wonderful start with the celebration of Ash Wednesday as we begin a time of reflection on what we can let go of so as to draw closer to God.

Thanks again for your interest in St. Joseph’s Indian School.  Our students and staff are grateful for your generosity.

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


PS – Remember that Day Light Savings goes into effect next weekend.  Set your clocks ahead an hour when you retire this coming Saturday night.