This past Sunday, St. Joseph’s Indian School’s student body for the school year of 2016-2017 arrived on campus. The upcoming year, 2017, marks St. Joseph’s Indian School’s 90th Anniversary!
Once a student arrived, they went to their Home to drop off their clothes and personal items.
It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close and our fifth graders will be moving on to new homes next year.
The William’s Home had a great day trip!
The William Home has been busy. Last weekend we took a day trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to visit the Washington Pavillion and the Great Plains Zoo. The weather tried not to cooperate at first but by the time we were ready to get to the zoo it had cleared up for us.
The Pavillion is a very interesting and educational place and the girls are able to do a lot of hands on activities dealing with science. They really enjoyed getting into the tornado demonstrator where they were able to feel 78 mile per hour winds and their hair really told the true story.
The zoo is always a great experience and we spent a lot of time feeding the animals in the petting zoo area. We have had a great year with this group of fourth and fifth graders. Though it is always sad to say goodbye to our fifth graders, we are just as excited for the girls that will be moving up next year.