This week marked the start of day camp with children from the Lower Brule Sioux Indian Reservation.
Monday – The day began with meeting kids and parents at our pick-up spot, St. Mary’s Church in Lower Brule. Fifty students attended camp today.
After breakfast, we visited about camp expectations with all our campers. Everyone was very well-behaved and ready for a great day!
With two weeks of camp already under their belts, camp staff was ready for anything.
Tuesday was a beautiful sunny day with 58 children attending camp, 27 of which were new.
Janeen had Arts & Crafts going strong today, and Mark had a great game of kickball underway. All in all, camp is going well.
Wednesday turned sunny day after a nice rainfall in the very early morning.
We had 60 children in today’s camp for the water safety course presented by South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks and the Army Corps of Engineers, complete with the small boats for the kids to ride around in. Back on campus, we had Arts & Crafts and brick coloring.
The afternoon brought swimming and snacks.
It was another exciting week at the Rising Eagle Summer Day Camp!!!