Hello from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

My name is Odis. Theresa and I currently serve as houseparents in the Cyr Home, working with boys in grades 4-6.
We want to tell you about the trip we took to the South Dakota State Fair this year! The bus trip to Huron, South Dakota took about an hour and a half. Upon our arrival, the boys ran to the carnival rides! The Zipper and the Ring of Fire were the most popular rides– we were surprised to see how brave our fourth graders were as they all went on the scary rides.
After several hours of enjoying the carnival, it was time to see the livestock barns and petting zoo.

At the petting zoo the boys fed camels, lamas and other exotic animals. Some of them had never seen a cow being milked and the dairy farmers were more than willing to show us how it worked and where our milk comes from.
We also went through the swine, horse, goat and rabbit barns. The rabbit barn is always a favorite. We then took the boys to Farm Implement Row! Even though they are always anxious to get back to the rides, we had to pull them away from trying to climb on and sit in every tractor and combine.
After walking through some of the exhibit tents, we went back to the rides and the fair food. One courageous soul even gave the mechanical bull a try! All the other boys were impressed, but did not want to brave it themselves.
South Dakota State Fair day is one of the highlights of the year for our home! The Cyr Home would like to thank you all for your support. Know that we and the Cyr boys pray for you every day.
Thank you for sharing your special day…rides, livestock (including camels!!!) and even a mechanical bull. Looks like a good time was had by all.
Mrs. Carol W.
Centreville, Virginia
Thank you for your kind words. It was a great day!
What a grand time y’all had! Another unforgettable experience. Yay!
Thanks for your kind words, Deli!