Sometimes a few words can send a big message.
When parents and guardians bring their children to St. Joseph’s Indian School at the start of every school year, we have pillowcases and pens ready.
Pillowcases and pens? Seems like a strange combination, right?
However, it’s the perfect combination for parents to write heartfelt messages on their children’s pillowcases, something to comfort them each night. That way, if a child is homesick or needs a couple more ounces of love after a long day, they can squeeze their pillow with personal messages in the handwriting of the person they love the most.
Messages like this one …
“Hi, baby! I love you and I’ll miss you every day. You be good and have fun!”
This year, the pillowcases mean even more. St. Joseph’s has had to limit student getting checkouts from campus in response to COVID-19. We’ve created a bubble of health and we do our best to maintain that by limiting outside exposure to our students and staff. It’s not been easy, but everyone understands it’s in effort to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Pillowcases for Parents
Children aren’t the only people who miss their loved ones, so that’s why we did a little something … a little something to show parents and guardians just how much the kids miss and love them.
We got more pillowcases and pens. Only this time, the kids wielded the pens and wrote notes to their moms, dads, grandmas — anyone who holds a piece of their heart and needed a message. They also drew pictures if they couldn’t find the right words.
“I miss you, Mom! I love you and I will see you soon!”

Staff carefully mailed the pillowcases home as a surprise. Now as students get tucked in with their personalized pillow, their family members in reservations and communities in the far reaches of the state can do the same.
Sometimes, it’s the little things like this that make hard times bearable. Sometimes, a pillow that reminds you of your mom, your dad, your grandma or grandpa is just what you need in that moment.

Philámayaye — thank you — to all the donors around the world who continue to help St. Joseph’s Indian School remain a safe place for Native American children to live, learn and grow. Also, to parents for entrusting us with their care. Doing this blessed work is so important, and we are grateful.
Thanks to the creative staff for coming up with the pillow case idea!
That’s wonderful
This is a wonderful idea…especially since it can be done “both ways”! Everyone can use a special pillowcase..
My father LOUIS F. HATFIELD lost his life last March 13th, 2020, due to heart failure which is so sad due to he had the biggest heart when it came to ST Joesephs. He donated tons of money monthly to their cause. He wanted to donate time but couldn’t travel like a normal person. He was paralyzed from the chest down. Due to a work related accident.
I, Michelle k. Franklin wish to continue his legacy of service by becoming a donor to your organization because of my shared love of native American history and culture. If I could id do a pillowcase of encouragement to each child first. Second I’d do a pillow case of love and gratitude to staff members and caregivers.
I’m still grieving my father and going through a tough probate process due to a family member who wants to seize and sell all his native American assets for the money. I will not allow my fathers precious collection be lost so every penny is for him and of course the legal team helping me secure his estate. Im his only
Please know, ill be decorating a pillowcase in St joesephs name for my fathers memorial box(it would be cool to have the st. Joseph’s logo) and after his estate affairs are settled I will continue donating in his honor.
. Thank u and GOD BLESS
Michelle, we are saddened about the loss of your father and you are in our prayers during your time of grieving. That’s very kind of you to want to continue his legacy by supporting our organization, and to offer a pillowcase for each student. To coordinate sending this gift, please email saintjosephs@stjo.org.
We, my wife and I are UNABLE TO CONTRIBUTE to the work you do.
We are classified as “ELDERLY” {Me 85 of age. my spouse 80} and income BARELY covers our expenses.
WE each have huge medical expenses which exceed insurance coverage.
RESPECTFULLY I am asking you to remove us from your MAILING LIST as it is depressing to see the need an not be able to help.
Thank you.
We completely understand, John. Would it be possible for you to please email saintjosephs@stjo.org with this request? We will need your mailing address to look you up, as your name is not enough information. Thank you for reaching out and we will take care of this for you as soon as we receive an email.
I recently sent in a $50.00 contribution to the Saint Joseph’s School.
Then I decided to send you $10.00 monthly for a annual total of $120.00.
What I’d like to say is this: I received THREE letters of the same information
on the same day thanking me for my contributions. I hate to see the school
wasting print material and postage. Please check my mailing address and
delete TWO of the entries so I just receive one of anything sent to me.
My address is:
Mr. Pepper Miller
300 Randall Street
Greenville, SC 29609-5409
I would send more contributions if possible, but I am 76 years old,
on Social Security and Medicare. I have lots of medical problems, and
Medicines are very expensive when not covered by Medicare.
It’s hard when you are on a fixed income,
but my prayers are with the staff and children of Saint Joseph’s School. Keep
up the good work.
Pepper Miller
Hi Pepper! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will look at your account to see why this might have happened and to make sure it doesn’t occur in the future. We thank you for deciding to become a monthly giver! We appreciate you!
Thank you St. Joseph’s staff for all the work you are doing for the kids. I know this time can be challenging just know you are in my prayers. And to all the kids who work so hard at your lessons and making new friends, I’m praying for all of you too, and you families. God Bless you.
This is an awesome and very loving project!!!!!!!!!!