Monday, November 15, 2010
Tonight I helped out at the 6th grade girls basketball practice. Basketball has always been my favorite sport to play. Growing up I loved the competition with other kids, but would also spent hours at a time alone, just shooting baskets. During turbulent times it was therapeutic – time to think and find my center.
During tonight’s warm up time it felt so good to be on the court again shooting. I still can’t run our jump much, but the old reliable set shot is still there. I enjoyed interacting with the students, observing, encouraging, and offering a tip or two. And the activity also helps me along in building back strength and agility.
When I went to Speyer Home (6th-8th grade boys) for supper the students were diligently working on a project. This year they are in living in temporary quarters while the real Speyer Home is in the remodeling process. Earlier in the year, the boys culled some tall and straight young trees from the woods and set them aside to dry out. Now they are sawing the wood and creating a rather large welcome banner for their home, using the wood and an Elk hide. Working on the common project has become a good way to build up their camaraderie and group spirit.