Our 8th grade girls attended a Girls in Engineering, Math and Science (GEMS) workshop this past Saturday. It was held at South Dakota State University. The purpose of the workshop was to generate female interest in the fields traditionally populated by males. The girls listened to female students who chose different fields of engineering and what they enjoyed about their chosen major. All the girls participated in a series of activities exploring engineering, math and science.
They built and programmed robots, investigated the science of forensics with a “Who done it?” scenario – complete with fingerprinting – and built load-bearing bridges out of toothpicks. Each participant received a backpack from SDSU loaded with lots of stuff, a notebook, calculator, logo cup, pens and a flashlight, to name a few.
This was an opportunity that really opened a number of unexpected future options for them.
I am over-joyed with the opportunities you have provided for these girls or are they young-women now?
My youngest grand-daughter is in 8th. They live one state away, I’m her older sister’s confirmation sponsor. That’s this Friday. Last year, I text’d her, that I’m too young to have two teenaged grandaughters!
Their Dad, our oldest son, is an Areo-space Engineer. His best friend, and former neighbor, is a Doctor of Astronomy. His Wife? She is also a Doctor of Astronomy.
The, “glass ceiling,” is still there but with your School’s programs, you and your students can lower it.
You, your staff, and teachers are to be congratulated as well as these girls for their work and acomplishments.
“God is good.”