Hi, my name is Julie, I am the Clinical Services Director at St. Joseph’s Indian School. I supervise the Clinical Department which includes the Family Service Counselors, Prevention Coordinator and Family Liaison. I also oversee the Health Center.
Some activities that we have going on this time of year are the FAST (Families and Schools Together) program and our Spring Sobriety Celebration. Our FAST program is an eight session program of family meetings that provide a “Circle of Support” for student success in school, home and community. The goals of this program are to improve family functioning, promote child success in school, prevent substance abuse by the child and family, reduce the stress that parents and children experience from daily life situations and promote healing through culture.
The Spring Sobriety Celebration will be held in April. This celebration includes a sobriety walk that all of the students take part in, a dinner and a speaker and/or presentation of some kind. We also have a t-shirt design contest that the students can enter and the winner gets their design put on the sobriety t-shirts that the students are given to wear for the celebration. The celebration promotes a drug-free lifestyle.