Hello, My name is Mary Jane. I am the Outreach/PQI Director here at St. Joseph’s Indian School. I cover a variety of areas which include admissions for our students, maintaining our waiting list, working with alumni and former students, as well as college scholarships.

Several of the outreach programs include setting up recruitment and alumni gatherings and organizing the summer Reach Out van that travels to over 30 communities on the reservations in South Dakota. This program gives away new books that are purchased through a federal grant from RIF (Reading is Fundamental). Each year we give away more than 2,000 books to children!
Currently, I am setting up recruitment and alumni luncheons in Rapid City and Eagle Butte for the month of April. We encourage alumni to return to campus to visit. We have had some come to visit with our current students about what they have done since they left St. Joseph’s Indian Schools.
I came to St. Joseph’s Indian School in 1972 to work in the elementary school. Over the years, I have worked in the dorms, taught 4th grade, was principal and now I am privileged to work with families, their children and our alumni. I have met and visited with former students who went to St. Joseph’s in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. They love to share their stories of how St. Joseph’s impacted their lives.
Truly, my job is the best job on campus!!
Mary Jane ! How very nice to know you. I have a daughter named Mary Jane..and you know tere is a nursery rhyme about Mary Jane..and how she would not eat her rice pudding. Un-huh.
Yes.you are indeed fortunate to be where you are. You are truly blessed to be part of such a wonderful team.
Life and Love are blesing you..!
Mia Inez Archer
AND..Don’t forget to eat your rice pudding..!
I am looking for some information on the school during the early 50’s. I attended school there when the Madonna came from France. What year was that?