Half of our school year is already over at St. Joseph’s! It seems like it has really

gone by fast. In the last quarter leading up to Christmas break, the Lakota students were working with a program entitled “Blueprint for Intervention: Comprehension” by 95% Group. We focused on Determining Importance and Synthesizing in Nonfiction and Fiction Text. Now we are ready to apply our new comprehension skills as we move on to Unit 3 in our text.
In this unit, we will study the different types of nonfiction including autobiographies, biographies and different types of essays. We will also be doing some activities that will help the students in answering essay questions.
In just a few weeks, we’ll have the next round of our spelling bee. The students worked really hard and the contest proved to be very competitive! We have our winners and they will be moving on to the regional contest held in Mitchell, South Dakota, in February.

Before that, however, the seventh and eighth grade classes will have their class trip to Pierre – South Dakota’s capital. We will tour the capital building and the South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center.
Thank you for your support!
Linea – 7th & 8th Grade Reading Teacher
Hi Linea.. Thank you for the post. I am sure your students are looking forward to their trip to Pierre/ Enjoy the weekend.
Thank you Antonia !