Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!
This past week, two SCJ visitors from India visited St. Joseph’s to tour our campus and the surrounding reservations. Fr. Michael and Fr. Dharma were escorted by Fr. Dominic Peluse, SCJ and his associate, Pam Milczarski, from the Priests of the Sacred Heart office in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. Our guests came to visit since they are in the process of setting up a fundraising office in India to raise financial support for the SCJ ministries there. They have been traveling around the Province to see how our various offices send out mailings and stay in touch with Benefactors.
We began our Sacrament Classes this past Monday. Some of our students are preparing to receive all three of the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, 1st Communion and Confirmation! Our second graders who have already been baptized will prepare for 1st Communion. Some may even make a Profession of Faith and join the Church. Please keep these students in your prayers.

During this year’s powwow, visitors and friends who attended were able to write prayer requests. St. Joseph’s staff and students will pray for each and every request throughout this school year. Currently, the requests have been placed before the statue of the Sacred Heart in our Blessed Sacrament chapel. When I make out the prayer list for each month, I’ll take some of the requests and add them to requests for prayer that come in over the year from other Benefactors. We are always happy to pray for any specific prayer request you may have since it is one way our students can say ‘thank you’ for your generosity.
St. Joseph’s was also happy to welcome the members of our Parent Advisory Council who gathered on the Monday after the powwow. They gather regularly to review policy and offer suggestions so we can keep fine tuning the programs we have here at St. Joseph’s.
As always, thank you for your kindness and generosity. We keep you in our prayers!
Have a great week!
Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ
Thank you.. Have a wonderful week
Thank you Antonia, you too!
Fr. Anthony,what a joy to see your face again. You were one of our priests here at St Elizabeth Ann Seton in Houston. Our name is Emilio and Annie Rodriguez, I play the trumpet and guitar with the 8:30 choir (9am previously). We always donate something towards the Indian school. May God continue to give you health, peace and happiness. Merry Christmas
Thank you for your support! We will pass on your greeting to Fr. Anthony!