Sunday, January 30, 2011
After mass, I visited the Stevens Home (6th-8th grade girls). It was reading time there, and every girl had a book in hand when I arrived. Each of the homes set times for reading beyond homework – readings that are challenging enough for the student’s age, but of their choosing. These reads are for fun and enjoyment. I’m always curious about what people are reading, and went around asking each for a quick summary. The topics included everything from historical, romance, science fiction and drama. I was impressed by how everyone told me a good deal about their book. They were all invested and engaged. Being able to share their thoughts and feelings on what they’re interested in encourages them to read more.
While sharing brunch, the table-talk turned to school: art projects and science experiments. Dissecting worms may not have been the most appetizing table conversation, but did generate lively discussion and some laughs.
This afternoon, five of the girls went to the Armory and participated in the basketball “Hot Shot” competition sponsored by the Jaycees, and the “Free Throw Competition” sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. A few of them came home with trophies or medals, but all had fun. Some of our teachers and staff had children of their own competing, so I wandered around the gym and alternated between cheering and gabbing away.