Cancer – Mxyoid Liposarcoma

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ever since I joined religious life 28 years ago I have been a faithful daily journalist. I reflect on the blessings each day brings, what I learn about life, God and myself, and also pay close attention to the struggles and difficulties I need to work through. When I finish one volume and open the pages of a new one, I pause and wonder what God will write in the next chapter of my life?

When I finish one volume and open the pages of a new one, I pause and wonder what God will write in the next chapter of my life?

Cancer! Mxyoid Liposarcoma or sarcoma for short. Discovering I have cancer just a month ago marks one of those big life turning points. When illness strikes you wonder how that’s part of God’s plan, or where that difficult journey will take you. Yet it’s part of the human condition we all share in. I was very sad and scared when I first heard. I’m hopeful now because the doctors believe we’re headed toward a cure, but it will take several months of chemo, radiation, and eventually surgery to treat this right.

Here at St. Joseph’s, I get letters every day from people asking the children and I to pray for healing, comfort, patience, and hope that so many people need when faced with health concerns and personal problems.  As I continually pray for those needs, I ask for your prayers in return.  I know my recent illness has already deepened my sense of compassion and solidarity.

I won’t be able to answer everyone’s notes personally, but with this space, I, or staff, can give you updates, and also give you a chance to write anything you may wish to share.