Cultural Trip Day 3 – Little Big Horn

Last Monday was a memorable Memorial Day on many fronts.

St. Joseph’s students met a young Cheyenne drum group on their cultural trip.
A group of young Native American drummers invited us over and shared a few songs.

Along with the seventh graders on their cultural trip, we started the day at the Dull Knife Tribal College in Lame Deer, Montana.

We met Mina, who has done extensive work interviewing elders and bringing together the history of the tribe in an organized way. She spoke of how preserving the language and stories help the next generation move forward with pride.

We also met Leroy, who put our St. Joseph’s students at ease with his joking and teasing, while also teaching some important lessons about life. The Lakota (Sioux) people have a tradition of Heyokas and the Cheyenne have a similar tradition of Contraries. They can play the clown and teach by humor and joking.

A Memorial Day celebration on a Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation.
After the parade, St. Joseph’s students followed the crowd to the cemetery to pay respects to those who have given their lives in battle.

Rain prevented us from going to the site of the sun dance Sitting Bull held before the Battle of Little Big Horn, but Leroy brought it to life in our imagination with his vivid description of what went on there.

Clara also crossed our path that day and shared some of her poetry, especially recounting the occasion that she received her first eagle feather. Since she also edits the local newspaper, she made sure to take our picture and promised our kids they would be included in next week’s edition.

The clouds parted and the sun came out just in time for the Northern Cheyenne Memorial Day parade. The powwow royalty rode on floats, and different organizations threw the ever-popular candy to kids as they passed by. Several horseback riders also graced the route.

The Lakota students visited the site of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
Chandler, a Minnecoujou Lakota, found a grave marker for a warrior who died at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

One float had a group of second and third grade drummers. We were at the end of the parade route, and they called us over and sang a few more songs just for our group. We laughed heartily when they included a fun powwow song about SpongeBob Squarepants!

We followed the crowd to the cemetery for the posting of colors and laying of a wreath. Much of the instruction was in the Cheyenne language, but the emotion and honor transcended words. We paid respects at Chief Dull Knife’s grave.

The Cheyenne were a strong warrior society, and paid special tribute to the many who currently serve in our country’s armed forces, and those who did not return from distant battlefields. We received this recounting of bravery in battle on one of the very hills that marked some of the last battles of the Indian Wars.

Afterwards, we went to powwow where a delicious meal was offered to everyone in the community.

The Little Bighorn Battlefield is always a moving place for me to visit. This being Memorial Day, remembering all the fallen on both sides took on an even more special meaning.

In the time since I first visited 20 years ago, there has been an effort to include the sacrifice of Native American Warriors who fought to save their families and to preserve a way of life.

Besides the white grave markers where the 7th Calvary fell, the battlefield is now also marked with red gravestones where Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors died. I noticed Chandler, who is from the Minnecoujou band of the Lakota, next to a marker for a warrior from her band…probably a not-too-distant relative.

The interpretive movie and talk with the rangers moved me to tears several times, as I thought of the history of our students’ ancestors. We drove and walked around the vast fields, remembering, imagining, learning and sharing.

Cultural Trip, Day 2 – Big Sky Country

Driving more than three hours down Highway 212 to Lame Deer, Montana, gave us a good sense of why this area is called Big Sky country. We picked out a couple of buttes on the horizon and tried to guess the distance we could see.

Everyone underestimated the 15 miles before we got to that spot, and the hills in the distance were over twice that far. We had long stretches between towns. We stopped along the way to chronicle the students’ crossing into Wyoming and Montana, many for the very first time.

Crossing the Powder and Tongue Rivers reminded me of traditional Lakota hunting grounds as well as several battles during the Indian Wars of the 19th century.

We arrived in Lame Deer in time to take in the powwow sponsored by the local Boys & Girls Club. Much of the ritual and ceremony was familiar. One unique aspect of the Cheyenne dance was the Native American men rattling gourds while they danced in a transfixing beat.

During the afternoon break, the tribal health office sponsored a fun walk around the community. We got to enjoy a sunny afternoon, take a stroll, and take home a lovely souvenir T-Shirt from the Northern Cheyenne tribe for our efforts.

We hoped our girls group of St. Joseph’s girls could take part in an inipi (purification or sweat lodge) ceremony, but winds and rain canceled our plans. After taking in the evening Grand Entry at the powwow, we headed to the campground, grilled some hot dogs and hit the bunk tired but satisfied.

During their cultural trip, the Lakota (Sioux) girls took in a powwow and Fun Walk in Lame Deer, Montana.
During a break in the powwow, St. Joseph’s students participated in a Fun Walk hosted by the Cheyenne Tribe.

Becoming “Brothers of Heritage”

St. Joseph’s seventh graders have embarked on their annual trip to learn more about Lakota (Sioux) culture. Fr. Jose and I gave them a day’s head start, and then caught up with them in Sturgis, South Dakota, after they had climbed Bear Butte with prayer ties – a cultural and spiritual pilgrimage.

Fr. Jose hails from Portugal, and this is his first visit to the Black Hills. He has read much about the history and culture of the Native American people in this area while working on his thesis – he is excited to take in as much as he can.

After he saw so many billboards along the way, we had to stop at Wall Drug for him to experience that piece of Americana. He had his picture taken by the 20-foot jackelope and had a 5 cent cup of coffee – I had a signature free ice water – and we continued on the journey west.

Bear Butte is the northern gateway to South Dakota’s Black Hills.
The Lakota students hiked to the top of Bear Butte, an important place for prayer and reflection.

We met one of St. Joseph’s white mini buses pulling into the grocery store in Sturgis. The boys told us of their time on Bear Butte, a sacred prayer hill that is the northeastern gateway to the Black Hills. The journey helped bind them more closely together and they were calling themselves “Brothers of Heritage.”

It’s our hope that bonding like this helps prepare them for leadership as they begin eighth grade next year.

Kevin Costner, the actor, was planning to build a hotel and resort in Deadwood that never came to fruition. He commissioned huge and magnificent bronzes of the tatanka (buffalo) showing Native American hunters chasing them over a buffalo jump, so their people could have food to live and grow strong.

Instead of a resort, Costner built a visitor center that tells the story of these magnificent creatures. It was my first time visiting.

A guide spoke to us about the medicine wheel. It’s a symbol we’re very familiar with at St. Joseph’s Indian School. However, she expanded my understanding by explaining some of those values that people learned from observing tatanka.

Bravery – when hunters tried to decimate the historic herds with rifles, they thought the buffalo were stupid because the ones in the front of the herd did not flee. What they were doing was standing their ground, protecting the ones behind them. They would not back down, but faced the danger with courage.

She also told of how during a blizzard, mother buffalo would dig though up to four feet of snow to find the grass underneath and provide food for the herd. Again, they persevered with great fortitude and did not give up during hard times – a good lesson for us all to learn.

We came back to the campground for a meal with the girls, and then celebrated mass in one of the cabins. Fr. Jose teased that it was the smallest chapel he’d ever celebrated mass in. It made for a more homey, intimate setting and each of the girls added their own personal prayers during the petitions.

We have the students take quiet time to journal each day of the trip. Besides preserving memories, we want them to reflect on their experience and see what they have learned. As the sun set, we gathered around picnic tables outside the cabins and had a talking circle. The girls shared things they remembered from the day, lessons learned, and why they are on this trip.

Some of the girls also spoke of anxiety about going home for the summer due to family struggles. Knowing that is part of what they face in life, giving them a strong grounding in the values that can see them through hard times is even more critical.

One of the stops on the cultural trip was to learn about the buffalo or tatanka.
The Lakota students learned more about the tatanka – buffalo – at the visitors’ center built by Kevin Costner.

Cody, a 2006 graduate of St. Joseph’s Indian School

Eighth-grade graduation at St. Joseph’s brings another school year to a close. It is fun and joyful, nostalgic and emotional. Most of the Lakota students will return to campus after the weekend to begin a three-week transition program to high school, but others will leave to pursue their high school education elsewhere, which leaves a bittersweet feeling.

St. Joseph’s alumni often return to share their stories and encouragement with younger students. Cody gave the eighth-grade class of 2013 a few words of advice.
Cody, a 2006 high school graduate, attended St. Joseph’s from first grade through twelfth grade.

Cody, who graduated from St. Joseph’s High School Program in 2006, returned to give our students her advice and comments in a commencement address. She told them that St. Joseph’s Indian School can give them lots of opportunities, but that won’t matter unless they make the commitment to want a better education and better life for themselves.

Her dad died when she was only two, which made it a huge struggle for her family to provide the basics. There were times school got hard, and being away from her family on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation even harder. When she cried and called home and wanted to leave, she is most grateful now that her mom told her to stay, and work hard.

That support from her mom and the St. Joseph’s community enabled her to go on to college, start a career and a family.

I so enjoy making the rounds and reconnecting with the Native American families I’ve gotten to know over the years, and making some new acquaintances. They were so proud of their graduates, and many were honored with traditional Lakota (Sioux) star quilts during the ceremony. All were also give a medicine wheel hair tie, pinned on them by alumni and staff.

About 14 children are staying in the break homes, and will be with us for the next seven weeks of the summer, so campus isn’t completely quiet. But, there was a quite lull after the ceremony concluded and the luncheon was served; most of the families had packed up student belongings, and headed into the four directions.

The Lakota students at St. Joseph’s attend Chamberlain High School after completing eighth grade.
Fr. Steve presented each eighth-grade student with their certificate of completion.

So many reasons to celebrate!


We had two fun celebrations last Wednesday. St. Joseph’s Thrift Store, in downtown Chamberlain, held its Grand Opening. The store has been in operation at the new downtown location for several weeks, but today was the ceremonial ribbon cutting.

The Chamber of Commerce and local papers were on hand to help us bless and dedicate the remodeled building. The checkout counter held a “Wheel of Fortune,” where folks spun the wheel and earned an additional discount of 25% – 60%. A small space on the wheel was FREE. While I was there, one man hit it. He saved only $3.00, but he was tickled anyway!

In the evening, our honors banquet included all the A and B honor roll students in first through eighth grades. Staff put together a circus theme, with peanuts and popcorn and animal crackers on the tables, serving as both decoration and a snack before the meal. The Lakota boys and girls enjoyed carnival-type games – popping balloons with darts, ring toss, rubber ducks floating in a tub, where they could win bouncy balls, beads, stuffed animals and the kinds of prizes kids treasure.

The Lakota children enjoyed a carnival-themed banquet to celebrate their hard work in school.
Jennie, St. Joseph’s Student Coordinator, dressed as a clown to emcee the evening’s festivities.

I was in charge of the basketball shooting contest, and had great fun both encouraging and teasing. We want to provide incentive and encouragement, but also extra fun for our Native American students who take their studies seriously, since that is the core of what school is about.


St. Joseph’s eighth graders preparing for graduation spent the morning in retreat, looking back over their past years at St. Joseph’s Indian School and looking ahead to the future, wherever it will take them.

Most will stay with us and continue on the Chamberlain High School, and a few will return closer to home and continue their high school education there. Our counselors presented information about how high school will be different, and listened to their questions and concerns, hopes and fears. At the end of that time, letters from staff members to individual students were passed out – always an affirming and emotional time.

Next, we moved on to graduation practice. A goal of mine is that practice is never longer than the actual ceremony, and we moved through it fairly smoothly. We had a festive lunch and presented students with their eighth grade portraits Class of 2013 t-shirts.

Two of the girls have been at St. Joseph’s since first grade, and we acknowledged them with “Lifer” gifts – a gift certificate to a local clothing store. Congratulatory cards from our donors decorated the tables, along with a computer print out of the many wishes and prayers sent to them online.

As the students finished and prepared to go to the movie theater, our staff in the development office stopped in to congratulate them. It gave our kids a chance to thank them for the work they do behind the scenes to make their education and all our programs possible.

For our younger students, this was our last regular school day. At 3:00, all the kids gathered in the gym for the attendance awards. Using soup labels and box tops sent by St. Joseph’s donors, we are able to provide special incentives for students to make it back from breaks on time and not miss out on learning opportunities with truancy or absences. The Lakota students earned bicycles to take home with them for the summer, a clothing gift certificate, camera, or MP3 player for their favorite music.  Several parents joined us for the awards and picked up their children as we said goodbye for the summer.

Fifth graders visit dig site

Earlier this month, St. Joseph’s fifth grade students, teachers Brock and Ron, and three extra chaperones ventured to Mitchell, South Dakota to visit the Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village and Archeodome!

The Archeodome covers the dig site the Lakota children visited.
A walkway suspended over the dig site allowed the Lakota children to look down on what used to be a prehistoric Indian village.

The Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village is the only archaeological site in South Dakota that is open to the public. The Village is an active research center and National Historic Landmark.

Visitors to the site can see many artifacts that have been excavated during annual digs. Tours of the dig site itself are enclosed in the comfort of the Thomsen Center Archeodome. There are plenty of hands-on activities for children to partake in.  St. Joseph’s students sorted through pieces of prehistoric bones, walked through a replica of a traditional lodge, and ended the tour with a chance to throw an atlatl or spear thrower, which was used as a hunting device.

St. Joseph’s students sort through artifacts trying to distinguish between bone and rock.
St. Joseph’s students loved the hands-on activities!
St. Joseph’s students learned about ancient hunting techniques on their field trip.
The Lakota fifth graders got to try their hand at throwing an atlatl or spear thrower.

A break from textbooks

School is not over yet…especially not without the end-of-the-year fun days at St. Joseph’s Indian School!  Earlier this week, our sixth, seventh and eighth graders enjoyed a day away from textbooks and got to spend a day of fun with their

St. Joseph’s students went bowling and enjoyed other activities for field day.
Older students enjoyed bowling in downtown Chamberlain.

classmates and teachers.

The Lakota students started the day off with Monte Carlo bowling at the Chamberlain Bowling Dome.  We had lots of laughs and witnessed some amazing bowling talent.  One student hit a split that a professional bowler would not be able to knock down!  That accomplishment won her a $15 cash prize.

We gave 40 prizes away to students that hit a strike with a colored pin showing.   The music and pizza made the morning even more memorable! The afternoon consisted of a movie at the State Theatre downtown.  We watched “Crooked Arrows.”  Students cheered for this feel-good sports thriller about Native Americans playing lacrosse and learning about loyalty to their tribal heritage.

The Lakota students had a great time during field day!
Younger students played team games in the gym.

St. Joseph’s younger students enjoyed the morning with some bingo, team challenges, and inflatables.  The inflatables will not be forgotten! The kids had a blast with Extreme Basketball, Jurassic Bouncer, Giant slide, and Jumbo Course inflatable.  As they say, time flies when you’re having fun!

Students got quite a workout and were ready for lunch.  We ended the afternoon with a trip to the State Theatre to see the movie, “Rise of the Guardians.”  Students were excited about the movie; popcorn and a soda only added to the excitement.

The Lakota students had a great time during field day!
The Lakota children got quite a workout playing on the inflatables!

The day was a great success and students finished their year out at St. Joseph’s with something to remember until we see them back when the new school year begins!

Step Up Day

We’re hitting a much needed rainy spell in South Dakota. We’ve been in a drought, and the rains softly falling on the fields are a sign of hope. While we are extremely grateful, it has put a damper on some of our scheduled activities here at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

Last night, our student vs. faculty softball game was rained out. With an already crowded end of the year schedule, there are no free times left for a makeup date. We also had Field Day activities planned, though many of them were able to be moved indoors.

All St. Joseph’s students gathered in the Rec Center after school on Monday for the announcement of the spring sports awards. Trophies and medals were passed out for bowling, archery, track, softball and t-ball.

Thanks to the coaches and umpires who give so generously of their time! The way some of those kids clutched their trophies I could tell it meant a lot.

In school, we had “Step Up” day.  Our Native American students spent time in the classroom they will be in next year and spent some time getting to their teacher and vice versa. Teachers reviewed some of the new materials or subjects the kids will tackle, and talking about rules and expectations.

Currently, we have one second grade class, which will be split into two as they reach third grade. The fourth graders who are moving to fifth physically move from the middle floor of the building to the top floor.

I asked them if that was going to be a big adjustment. Since they go to the top floor for library, they didn’t think it would be a big deal.

“The biggest difference,” their teacher Brock explained, “is that there are no longer bathrooms attached to the classrooms – you have to ask for a hall pass!”

I walked past the computer lab and peeked in on what the students were doing. Seventh grader Jay was playing a racing car game. When I was about to tease him and ask how that was educational, I looked closer and saw that it was actually a lesson from Nitro typing! The faster and more accurately he typed the words on the screen, the more power and speed his car had around the racetrack. There’s lots of ingenuity in the latest generation of learning games!

Graduation Celebrations

Sunday, five of our St. Joseph’s students and 65 of their Chamberlain High School classmates celebrated graduation as the Class of 2013. It seemed the whole community was packed into the armory.

St. Joseph’s Indian School provides education and residential care for Lakota children in grades 1-12.
Five St. Joseph’s students graduated with the Chamberlain High School Class of 2013.

The school choir and band performed some nice selections. The main event, however, was simply these youth proudly walking up the aisle accompanied by flashing cameras and rolling camcorders to mark this transitional time in their lives. We pray and hope for a wonderful future where their gifts and abilities can help meet the world’s needs.

We had some controversy with this year’s graduation. Chris, one of our St. Joseph’s seniors presented a petition to the school board to add a Lakota Honor song to the graduation ceremony to add a cultural element and to honor all the graduates.

Disappointingly, the school board turned it down. Community members from town and the nearby reservations held signs of protest across the street, gathered around a drum to respectfully played an Honor Song as their tribute to graduates filing out of the auditorium.

Afterwards, I attended some of the many receptions held all over town. Besides our St. Joseph’s students, several staff had children graduating, and I wanted to offer special congratulations to them.

Coleman’s parents have been houseparents on campus for many years. While Coleman didn’t attend St. Joseph’s Indian School, I watched him grow up with our kids in the Pinger Home. It truly felt like one of our own had reached this milestone.

I also knew some area graduates from the parishes I used to pastor. Kids I knew as first graders have now received diplomas and are preparing to go off and make their mark on the world.

I couldn’t help but feel like a proud parent

 St. Joseph’s alumnus Leighton returns to visit with current Lakota students.
Maija, Leighton and Andy

When one has worked in residential care for a considerable amount of time, there comes an opportunity to see and hear about the growth of a child who was once in your care.

I’m Maija and I was recently blessed to experience such an opportunity here at St. Joseph’s Indian School when former student, Leighton, visited. He spoke with St. Joseph’s high school students during the Sons & Daughters of Tradition group.

Back in the 1990’s, I was a houseparent with Andy in the Speyer Home. Our home was filled with the energy and enthusiasm of twelve seventh and eighth grade Lakota (Sioux) boys! They filled our lives with joy, challenges, and sometimes angst! Leighton was one of those boys.

Leighton spoke to St. Joseph’s current students about his time here; how he learned about discipline, making good decisions, and being cared for by good people.  He shared some stories of his enlistment in the Army – exactly thirteen days before the tragedy of 9/11.

He told them about being in Iraq and serving as a guard at the funeral for Saddam Hussein’s son. He recalled the time an explosive device meant for his convoy was run over by a bus instead… a bus that had cut in front of them just minutes before. He spoke of how we take so much for granted in the United States. Things like running water, electricity, freedom.  He spoke with the students about the importance of staying in school, getting a good education, and serving their country.

The students had many questions for Leighton. They asked what sports he played while he was at St. Joseph’s, what his favorite memory was. They asked about the war and his job while he was in the Army, and about where he lives and his family.

When we wrapped up things for the evening, I couldn’t help but feel like a proud parent.  It took courage for Leighton to open himself up to a group of high school students who are just waiting for the school year to end. It was apparent they felt a connection with him and appreciated his openness, sincerity, and honesty.

Leighton has had many ups and downs since the time he attended St. Joseph’s. He lost a sibling in a car accident, served his country, struggled with the after-effects of witnessing some horrific events during wartime and is the proud father of two small children.

He is finding himself and looking for an opportunity to do meaningful work and give back.  Whatever he does, whatever direction he goes, he will always know he has the support of his family here at St. Joseph’s Indian School.