The end of the year is here! It is a very busy time at St. Joseph’s Indian School, fitting in class trips, end-of-the-year activities and wrapping up projects.

In reading classes, the Lakota students completed units on poetry. During this unit, it is always a treat to have our principal, Kathleen, come and read to us. She does an amazing job and captures the attention of all the students.
We read mostly lyric and narrative poems, and students explored the different ways authors presented their words. Some used humor and others appealed to our senses and emotions.
I also discovered we have some talented young poets right here at St. Joseph’s!
During the reading of the poem “The Dream Keeper,” our Native American Studies teachers came into our classroom and helped us make our own dreamcatchers. The students did an awesome job and had a lot of fun.
Spring is also the time that our sixth graders take their cultural field trip to the Badlands National Park in western South Dakota. We schedule this trip a couple of weeks in advance and then have to accept what Mother Nature has in store of us.
This year she decided to rain on our day…
Actually, we were like postal workers and could say that “neither rain nor sleet nor snow” will keep us from having fun on our class trip!
Everyone knows the end of the year is coming fast and the students are looking forward to their summer break!
Linea – Reading Teacher, grades 6-8