Students gazed over the mountain of pumpkins in search of what they deemed to be the perfect pumpkin. Some were on the hunt for the common orange and round pumpkin. Others wanted a misfit – a pumpkin with discoloration, and maybe a couple of bumps and warts for a spookier or unique look.
Whatever it was, they sure found it at the first-ever St. Joseph’s Indian School Pumpkin Patch event.
All of St. Joseph’s 20 campus homes took turns coming to pick out a pumpkin, grab a cup of hot chocolate or apple cider, listen to some festive music and overall, just have a good time with their buddies. Older students helped younger students lug their pumpkin picks back home, where pumpkin carving or painting was sure to take place.
Maija, St. Joseph’s Residential Support, was the mastermind behind the event.
“Nothing says ‘Fall’ like pumpkin picking,” she said. “Giving kids the opportunity to not only be given a pumpkin, but pick it out themselves, was a lot of fun.”

The pumpkins were offered to St. Joseph’s at a discounted rate from Shane Baysinger of Forestburg, SD. Given the fact that not even pumpkins are immune to inflation, it was a very kind gesture.
And the students? They were so appreciative.

“Laila, what do you think of this one?” asked one staff member to the student.
The student gasped at the sight of the pumpkin, with deep vertical lines and a couple of bumps for added character.
“Yes!” said Laila. “That’s the one!”
While some hunted for character, other students had size on their minds.
“Look at this thing!” said one student as he proudly held up his chosen pumpkin, which rivaled him in size. “It’s huge!”

Also “huge” was the overall sense of joy from this simple, yet fun moment at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
Do you have a pumpkin at home that needs some added flair? Download St. Joseph’s Halloween Pumpkin Stencils for FREE and get to carving!

So cute and now they like to celebrate on Halloween.