Hi, I am Laura from the Development office. Some of you may have talked with me over the phone or even met me while attending a Donor Luncheon! Part of my job is to set up and organize these events.
I just got back from a luncheon in Oklahoma City. Dean and RJ were able to talk to donors who attended and tell them what life is like here at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

We had a wonderful time and met some very special benefactors while we were there! This couple has been donating for over 50 years. What a joy it was to meet them!
The highlight of the trip was all the famous sports people we saw. These two high school boys were in heaven.
While checking into our hotel we saw the Oklahoma University girls’ fast-pitch softball team. They played great while we were there and were going to be in the championships games. RJ, who is going to be a sophomore in the fall, has an interest in being a NBA referee someday. He was thrilled when we saw that Ken Mauer, Ed Malloy and James Capers were also staying at our hotel. They were there to officiate the Thunder and Spurs game.
While greeting our wonderful guests for the luncheon, Stephan A. Smith from ESPN asked me for directions. Little did I know who he was until Fr. Steve and the boys told me!
The luncheon was a great time and the boys did really well talking in front of a group of people.
Later that evening, on our way back from church, we saw a group of people in a crowd and went to check it out. We found that it was the San Antonio Spurs getting ready to board the bus for the game! We added several more basketball stars to our list of celebrity sightings, including Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Boris Diaw to name a few.
After dinner we went and walked around the Chesapeake Energy Arena where the Thunder and Spurs would play their game. We saw Shaquille O’Neal, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson shooting TNT’s “Live in the NBA.”
We all got to shake their hands as they went into the stadium.
I better not forget to mention the Thunder cheerleaders.

Sunday we spent time at the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma, which is a beautiful place. The boys enjoyed learning about a different tribe. On the way back from the Cultural Center we stopped by Oklahoma University and showed the two boys around the campus. What a huge place it is. Our last stop was the football field, where we happened to run into Bob Stoops – the head football coach! He offered to take a picture with the boys.
This is a weekend these two young men will never forget and I am so happy to have been able to share it with them. It really was an amazing time with good friends and good luck!
We hope to get to meet you at a luncheon in the near future to thank you for all you make possible!

Please check our luncheon schedule at www.stjo.org/luncheon to see if we will be in your area to make more wonderful memories for the Lakota boys and girls of St. Joseph’s Indian School.
Laura H.
Donor Relations Assistant