Hello, my name is Mary Jane. I currently am the Outreach/Alumni Director here at St. Joseph’s Indian School. This summer I previously shared with you some of the travels of the bookmobile. Next week will be our last week on the road in the St. Joseph’s bookmobile. We will travel down to Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Mission, St. Francis and other small communities. Since we started we have driven 3,146 miles, distributing over 2,500 books! We still have many good titles for next week.
Here on campus the facilities staff are busy painting, scrubbing floors, cleaning homes, shampooing rugs, mowing the grass, inspecting vehicles and the list goes on. All of this to get ready for the 2011-2012 school year. We have a great, hard working staff.
Thank you for making all of our work here at St. Joseph’s possible. Enjoy your summer!!
The summer moves quickly, doesn’t it? Wish I could be there to help. Maybe someday I will.Do you have volunteers there that help out?
I can just see in my mind’s eye all the activities ongoing at St. Joseph’s! Thanks so much for sharing this information with us!