If you were unable to care for your child who was being tempted by peers and community influences to do drugs and alcohol or join a gang, where would you turn?
Perhaps you have a long list of people you could turn to. But for parents living on reservations, that’s not always the case.
Thanks to you, that’s where we come in.
St. Joseph’s Indian School is a saving grace for so many parents and guardians. At our school their needs are met. They’re safe, with some distance between them and the things that could push them into a downward spiral.
But, that’s not the only reason parents make the decision for their children to attend St. Joseph’s. Here are 7 more:
One mother, who is also a St. Joseph’s alumna, opened up about why she decided her kids should follow in her footsteps and attend St. Joseph’s.
“I don’t want my kids to be another statistic. I want them far away from the gang mentality and the drug use that young kids seem to get involved in,” she said. “I want my kids to have stability, a schedule, discipline, and to be held accountable for their actions.”
That mother is not alone. So many of our parents and guardians shared similar sentiments, like this one:
“I am really pleased with how much St. Joseph’s has brought my granddaughter out of her shell. I have noticed her learning so many new things, being independent and being exposed to privileges that I cannot afford on my own.”
We don’t take caring for these precious children lightly and we’re proud so many reasons show up on that list. We’re dedicated to doing everything we can to educate the entire student – mind, body, heart and spirit … and it’s all possible because of generous supporters who open their hearts and bless our mission.
To continue doing our great work, we are looking for 100 people like you to choose St. Joseph’s.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25
Pilamaya – thank you – for supporting programs for the Lakota (Sioux) children at St. Joseph’s.
Amen. Parents who care……”Raise up a child in the way he should go…..”
Thanks, James! Many of our students have caring parents and it’s that caring that leads them to want more for their children, and why they reach out to our school. We’re very blessed!
I received a letter from Richard. I would like to see him. He was not on the Christmas Wish List page. Was this computer generated? If not, I would like to be able to send him a direct reply. Thank you, Deborah
Hi Deborah! That letter was genuine and not computer generated. All letters you receive in the mail are written by students who attend our school. We do not encourage personal gifts or letters for one specific child because it leads to the exclusion of others. If we allowed this, some of the children, such as those that are featured in our mailings, could have more attention and special treatment. Preventing this saves any hard feelings among the children. I hope you understand. From time to time, we do have donor luncheons in cities around the US, which gives donors like yourself an opportunity to meet and interact with our students and staff. It’s a great event for everyone, and you’re welcome to check out our schedule at stjo.org/luncheons. In addition, you can learn more about our day-to-day activities by liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter and Instagram.
I just made a contribution to the school – ON THE CONDITION that you will not send me any more solicitations. I give only once a year – at the end of the year. If I receive any more solicitations or gifts, I will take you off my list. In the past, I have been very disappointed in the gifts: instead of a blanket or dream catchers made by native people, they are made in China. I do not want any more mail.
The majority of the pieces in the package are made in the USA. Having the dreamcatcher made overseas is an important issue for St. Joseph’s, and not a decision we take lightly. Direct mail is our primary means of fundraising at this time. To simply stop our mailings would put a halt to our income and our ability to care for the Lakota (Sioux) children. The mail volume we send to fund our programs each year would be impossible for 200 people – especially children – to produce by hand. Our staff works with local Lakota (Sioux) artists as often as possible, featuring their work in both exhibits and the gift shop at the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center. There is not a catalog for our Akta Lakota Museum Gift Shop. However, nearly all of our museum’s items are available online at aktalakota.org/shopping or by calling 1-800-798-3452. For more information please visit stjo.org/china.
Please do not send me any more info or solicitations; if you do, I will immediately stop making any contributions. I do not need more gifts from China.
Hi Stanley,
Please call 1-800-341-2235 so we can change your mail preferences. I am so sorry to have offended you by sending our latest fundraising mailing. Our main focus at the school is to provide a warm loving home, an education and medical needs for over 200 Lakota boys and girls in our care. In order to do this, we send a series of mailings to people throughout the US asking for their support. Our school is located in a rural area in Chamberlain, South Dakota. We don’t receive regular, ongoing federal support and don’t have the support of huge corporations. Instead we rely on caring individuals from across the country to support our work through tax- deductible donations, one gift at a time. Our work is life-changing and we want to share with many people about the poverty-stricken Lakota children in our care.