Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I’ve had lots of meetings these past two days, which cuts into the time that I’m able to spend directly with the students. But, so many of the meetings are about students, their issues and finding the best ways to reach and care for them. Meetings aren’t as immediately satisfying as hearing a Native American 9-year-old read you a story or hearing about a 12-year-old’s rendition of their own life’s Lakota Winter Count they are drawing for Native American Studies class. But when good decisions are made and followed through, they do make a difference in the daily life of both staff and students. And the work I have to offer up to the Lord is the fair amount of time sitting in meetings.

Today, we announced the 1st – 4th grade Honor Roll for the 2nd quarter, and passed out perfect attendance awards for the semester. The students were proud when their name was called and they came forward to claim their certificate, and take their choice of a small prize, like a gel pen or hackeysack ball. We want to affirm all children for what they do well. But we don’t inflate grades and give something to everyone. Students must put in the effort to earn honor – an important Lakota (Sioux) value.
It’s great to hear that St.Josephs is in it’s usual excellent mode…God is in His Heaven….and all is well with the world ! (at least for the moment).
Hugs and Prayers to winners AND to losers..
Mia and Bob