Summer is approaching fast and St. Joseph’s Indian School’s campus is looking nice and green! The kids are in their last week of school and we are all busy working to get campus in tip top shape for our Eighth Grade Graduation on May 25.

We are in the process of updating our landscaping and planting some colorful flowers to brighten up our campus. Our grounds crew has fixed up the yard around Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel where the graduation ceremony will take place. We are also adding a special touch to the front entrance of our campus: a flag pole with some rock landscaping around it. This will help add that special touch to the entrance and also help in giving family members and visitors directions to our campus.
Our renovation of the Stevens and Mathias Homes is still progress. All of the major work is complete in the Stevens Home and the students have already started moving some of their home items back to help in getting ready for next year when they return from summer break. The Mathias Home is, for the most part, completely painted except for some minor touching up. They have started installing the ceramic tile flooring and have also started hanging the cabinets in the kitchen.

The entire facilities crew is busy laying out the schedule over the summer months and setting up future projects that will be taking place on campus here at St. Joseph’s Indian School. We will be working on doing some updating in the school, start our next home renovations with the Summerlee and William Homes, and many more!
As always, we continue to keep busy doing our best in making the campus feel like home to all the kids that are here over the school year.
Until next time,
Facilities Crew
I hope you give the students an opportunity to raise the flag, or at least participate in that small but cherished ceremony, in the mornings.
It would be an honor for them.
Hope you all get a chance to enjoy some quiet time also. Have a good summer !
Y’all do such a great job! St. Joe’s always looks so well cared for when we visit. Thank you for your dedication! Don’t forget to take a few breaks now and then and have a wonderful summer!