St. Joseph’s Indian School received a Silver Medal certificate from the US Department of Agriculture for their Healthier Schools program today. First, we had a costumed blue “Power Panther” entertain our students with warm-up exercises and quizzes about a healthy diet. Power Panther led our students in cheers, with one side shouting, “Eat Smart” and the other replying, “Play Hard”. The program requires the combination of many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy school lunches; in addition to a good Physical Education program in the school.
Mike, our Food Services Director and all his staff have made a steady and consistent effort to get healthier foods onto our students lunch trays. Fruits were probably the easy part, but vegetables has taken more convincing. But, our kids are realizing that Romaine lettuce and fresh spinach are just as tasty and more nutritious than iceberg lettuce.
After the Power Panther entertainment, Roger Campbell-the South Dakota Director of Indian Education-traveled from Pierre, South Dakota to present us the award. We are only the 2nd school in the state to achieve the certification. Roger is a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and he recalled his days as a Todd County student when he played against St. Joseph’s, in the very gym he was speaking in. It’s hopeful to have such examples of what our students can achieve if they stick with their education.
Today was Fr. Anthony’s birthday. We sang to him at mass, and later enjoyed a nice supper and cake with the local SCJ community.