Fr. Steve’s updates

My SCJ community starts each day with morning prayer a little before seven.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My SCJ community starts each day with morning prayer a little before seven.

As I walked down the hill to the chapel, I noticed how the days are getting a little brighter each morning; today, the sun was already peaking over the hill when I left the house.

There was dew on the grass … birds chirping in many harmonies. Campus is quiet before the day starts, and you never know what each day will bring. But, having a serious illness gives you a perspective that life is fragile and precious, and each new day is a gift.

Before prayer, I prayed I will continue to use my time wisely in a way that benefits others.

Besides office work and a trip to the business office, I got to enjoy our 8th graders giving their PowerPoint presentations on figures in history.

I was running late, and they actually finished early. But, the students were really enthusiastic, and had a little class time left, so Cody and Jackie asked if they could do theirs again – a repeat performance. I learned a few new things about John Adams and JFK.

I also learned to appreciated the enthusiasm of a young person who’s put in a lot of work and wants to share.

St. Joseph's Lakota youth presentations

St. Joseph's Lakota youth presentations

Fr. Steve’s updates

Today at church, we honored and prayed for our graduates. We’ll have 26 eighth graders walking up the aisle in two weeks, the biggest group in some years.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today at church, we honored and prayed for our graduates. We’ll have 26 eighth graders walking up the aisle in two weeks, the biggest group in some years.

We honored Tammy LaRoche-Wagaman, who graduated eighth grade from St. Joseph’s in 1984, with our Distinguished Alumni Award. Tammy was recognized for her outstanding work in the nursing field.

We hope her example inspires our current students to persevere with their education. We may not have any famous alumni, but we are blessed with many who go about their work and make a great contribution to their tribes and communities.

We had a dinner after church for two seniors who have stayed on with St. Joseph’s High School program and graduate from Chamberlain High School next Sunday.

In the past, we’ve had trouble trying to get the seniors to say a few words, but Kelsey and Stefen each talked for about 20 minutes, with lots of memories to share. Stefen has been her for four years, and Kelsey has been here all 12. Their recollections were filled with both laughter and the emotional tears of saying goodbye. Maija put together a slide show that helped us remember them through the years.

St. Joseph's Indian School 2010 Lakota youth high school graduates

Fr. Steve’s updates

I’m glad when students can see the faith of their peers. We all prayed the Holy Spirit be strong with these young people throughout their life journey.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This evening, six of our high school students celebrated the sacrament of confirmation at St. James church here in Chamberlain. They joined with the confirmandi from two nearby parishes.

All the students are classmates at Chamberlain High School, so there was already a familiarity and comfort with one another. Jesse, from our program, was asked to stand up and thank the bishop on behalf of the class. I enjoyed catching up with all the family members present at the dinner afterward.

Their choice of sponsors was an interesting mix. One picked someone from home, but the others chose St. Joseph’s personnel as someone they look up to as an example of faithful witness. One counselor sponsored two sisters. A houseparent and the college prep coordinator were also involved.

Just last year, one of our other high school students, Erin, finished her own preparation and was baptized and fully initiated. One of her classmates asked Erin to be her sponsor.

I’m glad when students can see the faith of their peers. We all prayed the Holy Spirit be strong with these young people throughout their life journey.

I saw the bishop for the first time since my diagnosis. He offered his prayers and support and got the latest update. Lots of parishioners also came up and offered support and kind words. My name is listed on many church bulletins, prayer groups and mass intentions, not just here in the area, but far and wide.

Fr. Steve’s updates

Tonight, I got back from a “quick” trip to the hospital for pre-surgery tests and appointments. The drive is long, 375 miles each way, but I’m feeling well enough to do that by myself.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tonight, I got back from a “quick” trip to the hospital for pre-surgery tests and appointments. The drive is long, 375 miles each way, but I’m feeling well enough to do that by myself.

I drove out Wednesday and back today. Driving on the prairie isn’t all that stressful when the weather is good. There’s little traffic, and I just put the cruise control on and use the time to pray, think or listen to music or a ball game.

The doctors packed in a lot of tests, and results I have back so far are encouraging. My blood work shows that my counts have climbed back to normal, which is especially good news for my immune system.

The CT scan of my chest shows the cancer has not affected my lungs. The EKG told the doctors my heart is strong (maybe part of my charisma as a Priest of the Sacred Heart?) and able to handle surgery.

I had two tests that the results are still pending from. The vascular surgeon ordered an ultrasound of the veins in my abdomen and legs, to look at the blood flow, and help them determine how much the blood vessels have been affected by the tumor. If some of the veins need to be resected or replaced that will be one of the more complicated parts of the surgery.

I had another MRI to see what effect the chemo and radiation has had on the tumor, but those results were not back by the time I met with the oncologist. When he looked over the other results, he was quite pleased. He doesn’t’ expect me to need any more chemotherapy, which is definitely good news.

With a little over a week to go before surgery, I’m feeling pretty good going in. I tell folks I’m about 85% of normal. The doctors expect 6 – 12 weeks of recovery, and I’ll just have to let the medicines and my body take the time to heal.

I came back home to another pile of cards and letters with lots of prayers and encouragement. I have certainly felt blessed and loved through this whole process!

Fr. Steve’s updates

I ate supper with the David Home girls. Afterwards, I experienced a battle of the books. I tried to get two first graders to take turns reading, but they were not in a very sharing kind of mood.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today, I had the usual meetings with the Director of Child Services and the Child Services Team. As we wrap up the last three weeks of school, everyone is getting in full gear for the summer.

As soon as school is out, we start a seven week smorgasbord of summer programs. The high school program has the most complicated schedule to coordinate. Our students come and go to a variety of camps, jobs and summer classes.

We also had our monthly Strategic Protection Committee meeting, which deals with issues of campus security ranging from preventing accidents to monitoring access to campus and the homes. We place a premium on staff and student safety.

There are so many trainings our staff do that I forget about until being reminded. The college students who will work on maintenance crew for the summer need a defensive driving course.

Other staff need a refresher course in lawnmower and forklift safety. I appreciate that our supervisors make sure those happen.

I ate supper with the David Home girls. Afterwards, I experienced a battle of the books. I tried to get two first graders to take turns reading, but they were not in a very sharing kind of mood.

Both Sasha and Jasmine wanted my full attention. First graders are sometimes hard to reason with, so both girls read different stories out loud on either side of me, a competition in stereo. But, they both seemed OK with that, so I just bounced back and forth to listen as I could and to help or correct where needed.

Fr. Steve’s updates

Monday seems to have more of those small but time-consuming tasks as people have time over the weekend to think, then get back to work.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I didn’t accomplish anything big today … just stayed with 10 and 15-minute tasks, phone calls, questions and emails that can fill up so much of the day. Monday seems to have more of those small but time-consuming tasks as people have time over the weekend to think, then get back to work.

At the development office, we’ve seen an upswing in interest from Europe about Lakota culture and our school programs. We discussed ways to continue connecting with those folks.

Overall, it was a cold, rainy day! In South Dakota we appreciate the moisture most anytime, but it has been hard on our track team.

They’ve competed three times, but had four other meets rained out. At this point in the school year, with all the other events, there is no chance to reschedule, so our season came to an inglorious end.

After school the coaches passed out the ribbons our athletes earned for the season, and held a pizza party. No school records were broken this year, but the students showed a lot of heart in their events.

Fr. Steve’s updates

A small crowd in church for Mother’s Day. A few homes were away on a trip to Rapid City, but many of the students were checked out to be with their families.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother’s Day

A small crowd in church for Mother’s Day. A few homes were away on a trip to Rapid City, but many of the students were checked out to be with their families.

Sadly, we have a lot of kids whose mothers are absent in their lives. About a third of our students are being raised by the grandparents or other relatives for a variety of reasons.

Some of the students also live many hours from home and weren’t able to be with their moms.

It’s on days like these when kids might feel especially lonely or hurt; as always, our houseparents, counselors and support staff do all they can to nurture and support our children in positive ways.

I wrote out congratulatory cards for our six high school students who will be confirmed at St. James in Chamberlain next week.

I also started on the graduation cards to our 8th graders, trying to make them personal, especially since I’ll be gone for surgery at that time.

For Mother’s Day, I – of course – called home. Mom said that this blog has been a good way to keep up with me, and if nobody else reads it, at least she does. So HI MOM! LOVE YOU! Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.

Fr. Steve’s updates

I stayed home the rest of the day, occupied with laundry, reading, prayer, exercise, sorting baseball cards and watching some TV shows I’d recorded.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yesterday and today have been rather low key for me.

Friday is my day off, and I only went into the office for a short while in the morning to answer mail. I stayed home the rest of the day, occupied with laundry, reading, prayer, exercise, sorting baseball cards and watching some TV shows I’d recorded. Not too exciting or noteworthy, but satisfying and restful to me.

Today, I met with Brother Clay for the first time in almost two months to review how his work has been going. Fr. Anthony has been supervising him in my absence.

When you first enter religious life, you renew your vows one year at a time until you’re ready for final vows. As Brother Clay asks to renew his vows this summer, we’re going  through the formal evaluation and request stage.

As he reflects on what he’s learning, where there joys and struggles are, it’s also a good reminder to me to take time to name where I need to grow and improve, and what brings me joy and satisfaction.

As the weather gets nicer, visits to the museum are picking up again. I was called to the museum to say hello to Dennis and Bonnie, donors visiting from California. I had time, so I gave them a tour of campus.

I enjoy the interaction and the chance for a “show and tell” look at the school. I can’t do that every time, but visiting with folks is so much more enjoyable than paperwork.

Fr. Steve’s updates

Two students finished degrees in Native American Studies, which is so needed to pass on the culture and values. One woman is finishing her degree as an industrial engineer and will hopefully inspire others to follow her footsteps.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Letters have gotten stacked up over these past weeks. I answer what I can and then feel more behind with the day’s new batch.

But, today I wrote cards to the college students we’ve been helping with scholarship monies who graduate this year.

Two students finished degrees in Native American Studies, which is so needed to pass on the culture and values. One woman is finishing her degree as an industrial engineer and will hopefully inspire others to follow her footsteps.

Another went back to college after 30 years of working and raising a family … showing it’s never too late to pursue an education and fulfill your dreams.

I’m glad St. Joseph’s is able to help such students find the means to attend college.

The end of the school year is also a time of transitions. Brenda, who has worked as a houseparent for 19 years, will retire when school is out. Her co-workers gathered for lunch at the Marina, and I was able to join them. Brenda has so many memories and stories of the kids in all those years, and I laughed as she reminisced.

Another goodbye was to Jan, who is retiring from the Title program. Those teachers are actually employees of the Chamberlain School district, but I always say that their heart belongs to St. Joseph’s. Jan and all the Title teachers show wonderful care for our students and help those most in need of individualized attention.

I stopped to videotape a message for our high school seniors who graduate from the Chamberlain program in just two weeks. They were sixth graders when I started here, and I have lots of memories as I’ve seen them grow up.

Then, it was on to the chapel to take the official graduation photo for the newspaper. Wow – so many milestones are fast approaching!

Wow – so many milestones are fast approaching!

Fr. Steve’s updates

I met with my management team as a group for the first time in eight weeks. Instead of a long drawn out meeting, the time together was actually rather short.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I met with my management team as a group for the first time in eight weeks. Instead of a long drawn out meeting, the time together was actually rather short. They’ve kept me, and each other, in the loop, and while I was gone what needed to be taken care of and worked on was attended to well.

Sometimes, when I get stuck in all of the immediate issues needing my attention, I break out of the rut by working on things far into the future.

As I’ve wondered how long my recovery after surgery will be and what I will or won’t be able to do, I haven’t looked too far past May 25. But, good long range planning helps me make good decisions about how to be a good steward of my time today.

So, I took my calendar, which goes until August 2011, and started working backwards on some of the events and projects that are farthest out. It gave me both a new perspective and a burst of creative energy.

The high school boys had an inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony for the last Sons of Tradition session of the year. One of the elders from the nearby Crow Creek reservation came to campus to lead the prayer ceremony.

We always make participation optional, and some students chose instead to help with the fire or the meal. It was the first inipi for two of our students, and I listened as Chris shared how good he felt after going in and praying with others in that traditional way.

I joined the group for the feed afterwards – delicious Indian Tacos with freshly made fry bread.