Home Trips & Playing Outside at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

Weekends are getting quiet around here as it seems more students are away lately than on campus.  When the school year is winding down, our homes take the opportunity to visit various South Dakota attractions. They search out a hotel in Sioux Falls or Rapid City with an indoor pool or head for a shopping mall.  This is part of each home’s annual budget to take a “family trip.”

This past Sunday we held another Lakota Mass on campus. Our drum group was present to provide music.  We were honored to have several dancers take part and various parts of the Mass were recited in Lakota.

The big excitement this week is the circus! The Shrine Circus was in Chamberlain on Monday and Tuesday with four performances.  The younger students (first through third grades) attended the performance on Monday afternoon and really enjoyed themselves.  They loved seeing elephants and tigers, they were amazed by the skill of the acrobats and giggled at the clowns. Everyone had a wonderful time!

The Lakota children are excited to spend more time outside now that spring has arrived at St. Joseph’s.
Spring means home trips and playing outside at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Medical students from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion visited St. Joseph’s campus and talked with our nurses.  Several of them also made a presentation to our seventh and eighth graders encouraging them to give the medical field some consideration for their future plans.

The college students shared their backgrounds and gave St. Joseph’s students tips on preparing now for the future.  As they answered questions from the students, they played a medical version of Jeopardy where students could pick a question from six categories covered in their presentation.

Tomorrow, everyone will participate in our Spring Sobriety Walk.  There will be a presentation to for all our students, elementary through high school, on why it is important to stay strong and avoid drugs and alcohol.  Staff and students will do a walk around town and then enjoy a meal together. Watch our Facebook page for photos!

Our high school students have an early dismissal on Friday and St. Joseph’s will be hosting a job fair for them sharing what job possibilities will exist this summer, both on campus and off. Several students will be on campus for drivers’ education and other programs. Some simply want to make some extra money for the next school year. Pilamayathank you – for making it possible for our Lakota (Sioux) students to take advantage of these opportunities!

The Chamberlain High School Native American Club is preparing for their annual powwow on May 2. Eight of St. Joseph’s high school students are involved, as well as other students. Please keep them in your prayers as they plan and execute the event, asking for help with concessions, cleaning and food, along with general supervision and guidance.

I hope you had a great week and that all continues to go well for you and yours!

God bless,

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Prom, First Communion & Fire Drills at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Several of St. Joseph’s high school students attended the Chamberlain High School prom this past Saturday night.  Everyone looked sharp as

Fr. Anthony and the Lakota children.
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s chaplain with students receiving First Communion.

they got ready and headed out to the Grand March.  After the dancing ended, post prom activities commenced, ending Sunday morning at 6:00 AM.

Needless to say, they were a little sleepy during Mass, but all went well!

During Sunday’s Mass, we had 21 students receive the Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation; one student made their Profession of Faith, received First Communion and Confirmation.

Students danced the night away at prom!
Davis and Martina all dressed up and ready for prom!

Nine students received their First Communion.  The ceremony was very moving and we were honored to have many family members and friends present to be supportive of our students as they took these major steps in their spiritual journey.

We were honored to share this special day with them and their families. However, not all of St. Joseph’s students are Catholic.

Helping with the liturgy was Deacon Harold Condon, who was honored during the service with the 10th Annual St. Joseph’s Indian School Distinguished Alumni Award. After Mary Jane, our Director of Alumni, presented the award to Harold, he shared some reflections with the students. He encouraged them to value their time and the opportunities they’ll have attending St. Joseph’s Indian School, which will help them prepare for the future. Read more about him on our website.

You are most likely aware that keeping our students safe is our top priority. As a result, we have regular fire drills,

Dn. Harold Condon
Dn. Harold Condon was named St. Joseph’s 2015 Distinguished Alumnus.

lock down drills, tornado alerts, and even earthquake drills so students and staff know what to do in an emergency situation. Last Thursday, just as we were finishing the practice for the reception of Sacraments, the fire alarm went off and everyone headed out to their designated spot.  Well done everyone!

I hope everyone has a great week.   May we keep those areas of our country suffering from drought in our prayers asking God to bless Mother Earth with the much needed moisture for daily life and the up-coming planting season.

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ








An annual hike with the boys in the Cyr Home

Hi, my name is Odis. My houseparent partner Theresa and I work in the Cyr Home at St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota.

Odis, St. Joseph's Houseparent
Odis, St. Joseph’s Houseparent

We have 11 boys in grades 4-6 in the home, and I want to share with you how we keep the boys active in both body and mind.

One of our mottos at Cyr Home is “work hard, play hard.” On the work side of the equation, cold and snowy Friday afternoons are a great time to cut and sort Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup labels after school. We use labels and box tops to

Every year, houseparents Odis and Theresa take the Cyr Home boys to Farm Island for a hike.
The Cyr Home boys and houseparent Theresa on their 2015 Farm Island hike.

buy fun, extra things for the home, like i-Pads and other electronics, which are great to have around on long, cold winter days. The boys usually don’t get to play video games on school days, but on those days when the weather is too bad to go outside, we fire up the Xbox 360, and they use the Kinect to play games that are interactive such as dancing, bowling and baseball games.

A couple of weekends ago, we took a trip to Pierre to do our annual hike on Farm Island, which is around six-and-one-half miles round trip. We take a picture on the same log every year. As you can

Farm Island sits in the Missouri River near Pierre, South Dakota.
The Cyr Home boys on their 2014 Farm Island hike.

see, the log and the boys are getting older and older. I don’t know how many more years our picture log will last…

The island we hike on once had a Civilian Conservation Corps camp operating on it in the 1930’s and was the only one open in South Dakota for the full nine years of the program. Afterwards, it was home to a golf course and children’s camps, among other things. Needless to say, the overgrown island is now home to a lot of ruins and trails that the boys enjoy exploring.

The whole round trip got us very hungry, so we went to the Wonderful House of Jell-O a.k.a. The Chinese Buffet. We call it the Wonderful House of Jell-O because there are always a few boys who have never eaten at a Chinese restaurant and end up with nothing but Jell-O on their plates. The

Each year on their hike, the boys stop at the same tree for a picture.
The Cyr Home boys on their 2013 Farm Island hike.

joke in our home is that the buffet has the world’s best Jell-O because that is all some boys want to eat. The boys were more daring this year, however, and not one of them got Jell-O until they went for seconds.

We want all our readers and donors to know we appreciate your good thoughts and support. The boys at Cyr Home always have you on their minds and in our nightly prayers. Theresa and I thank you for your support of our work with the Cyr Home boys and St. Joseph’s.




Rewarding academics, years of service at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Students are receiving honors for academics and attendance during assemblies this week.
Fr. Anthony presents Aurelia with her award.

March is living up to its reputation of going back and forth between lion and lamb weather.  The initial plan for our Palm Sunday liturgy was to start with the blessing of the palms outside, but the 30-40 mph winds took care of that idea.  Students and staff received their palms and exited the chapel which then had palm fronds placed on the carpet to parallel what the people of Jerusalem did when Jesus entered the city.  The students held their palms high as the altar servers and I entered to start the Mass.

The return of the sun has brought a lot of fishermen to the Chamberlain area.  When the ice melted on the Missouri River, it seemed that fishermen appeared overnight.  The local marina is filled with license plates are from all over. We hope their presence is a sign that winter is over. We’re grateful for warmer weather, although we are badly in need of moisture.

Last week, we held the annual Service Awards Banquet to honor staff who have been with St. Joseph’s in five year increments.  We had 31 staff honored for a combined 530 years of service.  The longest serving member has been with us for 40 years! The most recent was a class of five who have been here for 5 years.  We are grateful for their devotion and dedication to St. Joseph’s Indian School, and our Lakota students and families.

Nancy’s third graders are tied with Katie’s second graders for best GPA.
Nancy’s third grade class.

Over the last few days we have been honoring students who made academic honor roll and had perfect attendance with assemblies by age group – grades 1-3, grades 4-6 and grades 7-8.  We are always happy to be able to reward students for their hard work. The class with the best grade point average wins a little plaque they can put up in their room and are treated to a pizza party.  For third quarter, Katie’s second grade classes tied with Nancy’s third grade class with a score of 3.6475. Now, THAT’S a tie!

Our principal, Kathleen, took our Acalympics Team to White River, South Dakota, for another academic contest.  There were ten schools represented and St. Joseph’s came in sixth with our highest score ever!  The team enjoys the competition and realizes the

Katie’s second graders have a collective GPA of 3.6475.
Katie’s second grade class.

necessity to be widely aware of what is happening in our world today.

On Saturday, Kathleen hit the road again. She accompanied several eighth grade girls to South Dakota State University in Brookings to take part in the GEMS program (Girls in Engineering, Math and Science).  The program introduces girls to careers in math and science and encourages them to consider these majors in college.

The best news I can share with you this week is that we are increasing our high school home capacity, so will be able to offer some new aspects of getting ready for college.  Pilamaya thank you – for your generous support of our students!

May your Holy Week be filled with many blessings. The Lakota (Sioux) children wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Easter!!!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Fourth quarter has begun at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School,

It’s been another crazy week of spring weather in South Dakota! We had one day that broke an all-time record and hit 85 degrees last week, yet we are still having frosty cold mornings.  We are in desperate need of rain since the Chamberlain area is already in the early stages of drought. Today is cold and windy.

The Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, was the first day of the fourth quarter of the school year for the Lakota children. We had a nice prayer service geared toward

honoring St. Joseph in his role as guardian of Mary and Jesus.  March 19 also concluded our monthly Novena of Masses (the 11th through the 19th) for you, our benefactors.  The students keep you in prayer regularly and we include your intentions in our prayer requests at Sunday Mass.

Fr. Anthony sampled the monkey bread the sixth graders were baking in class.
Passing by the Personal Living Skills class, I was invited to sample the monkey bread the sixth grade students were baking. It was delicious!

When the prayer service was over, I jumped into my car and made a bee line east to St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to take part in the Chrism Mass for the diocese.  The oils used in the Sacraments for the up-coming year are blessed by the Bishop and then distributed to all the parishes and schools throughout the East River Diocese.  I brought the oils back and gave them to the religious education teachers who are preparing students to receive the Sacraments.

Last Friday as I was leaving the art room after visiting the second graders, I passed the Personal Living Skills classroom. It must have been my lucky day because I was invited to sample the monkey bread the sixth grade students were baking.  They did a great job – it tasted delicious!

We are in the planning stages for ‘SCJ Schools in Collaboration’ and there was a conference call yesterday. Schools in Collaboration unites the elementary schools ministered to by our Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ) community in Texas, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Mississippi. Our sister school in Germany was also part of the phone call.

Each year, one of our activities for Schools in Collaboration is a ‘battle of the books.’ Classes from each school read a number of the same books. Then the schools pair up to have a trivia contest based on what they read.  We are working toward having a joint prayer service in the next several weeks.

With Easter just around the corner, several of our students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession this week.  If a student is not Catholic, they can still come in and talk over anything that may be troubling them.  It will also be the opportunity for those receiving Sacraments on April 12, 2015 to make their first confession.  Please keep these young people in your prayers.

I pray your season of Lent is proving to be a rewarding time for you spiritually as we strive to become more and more Christ-like.  Be assured of our continued prayers for you and your intentions.

Have a great week!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Instead of a lemonade stand…

When the students of Sheehy Home (high school boys) decided they wanted to go snowboarding and skiing for their home trip, I knew we needed to do a fundraiser to help cover the cost. So, we sat down and talked about some ways to make extra money.

The shirt design incorporates symbols from St. Joseph’s and Chamberlain schools, as well as cultural elements like the dreamcatcher and medicine wheel.
Craig brainstormed the t-shirt design in less than two hours.

Previously, another St. Joseph’s home had done a lemonade stand at our annual powwow, and one did a bake sale. We’ve done car washes in the past but, with the weather outside below freezing at the time, we decided to come up with a new idea: create and sell a t-shirt.

I wanted the guys to learn how a company works from idea to completion, so to get started we elected a president, treasurer, designer, sales manager and production manager.

The young man chosen to be the designer – Craig – sat down and got to work. In less than two hours, he had a sketch of what would become our design.

We took his sketch and had it copied into a computer file. My wife, April, helped Craig enhance the digital file of the sketch and came up with our finished design.

The top banner says Chamberlain High, where our high school students attend. The bottom banner says St. Joseph’s Indian School, where we live. The bear cub is the mascot for Chamberlain teams and the paw print is also a school recognized image. The design also incorporates the colors of the Lakota medicine wheel. The dreamcatcher surrounding the school images symbolizes all the possibilities an education brings.

The Sheehy home accepted the design and submitted our idea for a fundraiser to the management team here at St. Joseph’s. They heard our plan and agreed to allow us to sell the shirts on campus and at Chamberlain High School.

The cabin was only a mile from the slopes and had an outdoor hot tub.
Relaxing in the outdoor hot tub at the cabin.

We worked with a local company that makes t-shirts and negotiated prices for various amounts of t-shirts sold. Our goal was to sell 100 shirts to ensure the best price. With that cost in mind, we worked with St. Joseph’s management team and came up with a sale price of $12.00 per t-shirt.

Our sales manager created a sales folder that everyone used, including a picture of the shirt, our design story and an order form. Our guys covered the campus and school for an entire week taking orders. Our Production Manager took all the order forms and totaled all the various sizes and announced that we had sold 192 shirts. Our elected president led the way selling 58 shirts. When we turned in our order we were able to negotiate an even better cost price for the shirts!

Once the shirts were ready we picked them up and, again using the order forms from each student, filled the orders. After delivering the finished product and all expenses were paid, our treasurer announced that we had earned just over $850.00 for our trip.

We had raised enough to stay in a cabin less than a mile from the slopes!

Our guys enjoyed two days of skiing and snowboarding, followed by relaxing in the outdoor hot tub at the cabin. The best part for me was, when all was said and done, one of the boys said “You know, there is a lot of work that goes into making a shirt.”

Thank you for making St. Joseph’s possible, and the life lessons our guys learn here that are making tomorrow brighter.

Mike and April F

Sheehy Home Houseparents

Boys in the Sheehy Home earned some extra money to go skiing on their home trip this winter.
The guys enjoyed two days of skiing and snowboarding.

Spring Break at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Greetings from a quiet St. Joseph’s Indian School campus!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

It is just not the same on campus this week without the Lakota boys and girls; it is Spring Break for the elementary students (grades 1-8) and staff.

They will return Monday, March 16, but in the mean time we have about 10-12 students who are staying in our break home and our high school students who attend Chamberlain High School (they have a slightly different break schedule). Students in the break home will be going to visit some of the local sights and enjoy a fun and relaxing week.

You may recall the old saying ‘March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb’ or the opposite, in like a lamb and out like a lion. Well, in South Dakota, we had that all happen within five days! Last week we had a blizzard with snow, cold and strong winds. Just a few days later, the sun came out, the temperatures were up and the snow was melting.  Today the weather is mild, with cool mornings and warmer days. We are hoping the break in the winter weather lasts!

Last week, St. Joseph’s students celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday. It was pajama day at school and the children spent time reading to one another.

Our seventh and eighth graders also took part in Camp Med last week, which is a hands-on health career learning opportunity.  The students learned about the job duties, educational requirements, rewards and challenges they might encounter in a variety of health careers. They experienced everything from reading x-rays and filling prescriptions to stabilizing a trauma patient and rehabilitating a stroke patient.

And Friday at 2 p.m., school was out!

Staff who have helped at the rec center enjoyed an outing to a basketball game.
St. Joseph’s Rec Director hosted an outing to a basketball game to thank everyone who helped out at the rec center first semester.

That evening, several staff members headed to South Dakota’s largest city, Sioux Falls, to take in a basketball game. As a way of saying thank you to everyone who has helped in the rec center during the first semester, Bryan, our Rec Director, hosted an outing to a D (Developmental) League game between Grand Rapids,

Michigan and the Sioux Falls Skyforce.

Grand Rapids is a developmental team for the Detroit Pistons and Sioux Falls is a similar team for the Miami Heat. The arena is brand new and very fan friendly.  The game was exciting – players were shooting up threes from all over the court.  Offense was king and defense showed up occasionally. Everyone had a great time and a few even went home with a t-shirt and other goodies tossed into the stands.

I hope you have a wonderful week. Pilamaya thank you – for your support, encouragement and prayers!  We’ll be starting our Novena of Masses for you and your special intentions on Wednesday, March 11 and conclude on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19.


Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


St. Joseph’s students celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday in school.
Happy birthday Dr. Suess!!

Winter hangs on at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School,

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

We’ve had a relatively mild winter in central South Dakota (we consider any day with sunshine and above zero temperatures “mild”), but that seems to be coming to an end.  The weather started terribly this morning with snow and very strong winds. St. Joseph’s even had a late start for the Lakota children!

Tomorrow’s weather is predicted to be extremely cold – it should be an interesting few days. But, I have also been told we will get a break at the end of the week with temps possibly up in the 40’s by the weekend. We’ll see what happens. I guess it is true that if you do not like the weather, wait a few moments and it will change!

This past Tuesday, we held the Staff Appreciation Breakfast, which is a way for the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJs) to say thank you to all the men and women who serve our missions so faithfully in a wide variety of ways.  It also allows the Lakota (Sioux) students to interact with those who work behind the scenes as well as staff members they encounter every day.  We had some trivia about Fr. Leo John Dehon, the founder of our SCJ community, and drew for door prizes.

Spring is right around the corner, which means some of our “winter” activities and programs are coming to an end.  Last Friday was the end of the bowling season.  Congratulations to the Rolling Thunder team and their captain Dave, one of our teachers, who captured First Place.

On our last day of bowling, the various teams were mixed together and we bowled 9 pin tap, which means the lanes were set so if you knocked down 9 pins it counted as a strike.  One of our high school girls, Irene, went crazy rolling scores of 245 and 251.  She even beat the bowling master, Andy, from the rec center who coordinated the league this year.  The students all did well and had fun.

The girls’ inter-city basketball season wrapped up on Sunday. There was a lot of improvement from when the season started. We hope friendships have been made that will continue through the years as these young ladies cross paths on the court or as they attend high school together in Chamberlain.

The Chamberlain High School girls’ basketball team is finished for the season as they lost their second round game in the state play-offs.  The boys’ team is the number 2 seed for their district and will not play until later this week when they’ll host one of the lower seeds.  If they win, they’ll play for the region championship and go on to the state tournament.  They ended their season against Stanley County from Ft. Pierre, South Dakota, this past Friday night and two of our St. Joseph’s players started — Adrian and Davis.

For Davis, it was a reward for how well he has played coming off the bench.  He showed his gratitude by having a double-double, in that he scored 11 points and had 10 rebounds to go along with several steals and assists. Great game, Davis!

Our St. Joseph’s boys’ basketball teams have also completed their season.  We hosted the sixth, seventh and eighth grade teams from Todd County this past Thursday.  The sixth grade won easily, but the seventh and eighth graders came up a bit short due to the Todd County press.  They made a run and got close but just could not get into the lead.  The seventh and eighth graders will finish their season today with a trip to Miller, South Dakota.

Be assured of our prayers for you; pilamaya thank you – for your continued support and interest in the Lakota children!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Preparing the Lakota students for their next steps in life

Greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School! Although spring is only a few weeks

Julie is a counselor for the Lakota boys and girls at St. Joseph's.
Julie, Family Service Counselor

away, it has been cold and snowy in Chamberlain. The kids are getting a bit antsy and most are ready for warmer temperatures so they can be outside and run off some energy!

We are also at a point in the school year where our seniors and our eighth grade students begin final preparations for their next steps in life.

Where will I go to college or what will I do after graduation? What high school will I attend?

All of these questions lead to some anxiety, introspection, and excitement.

As a Family Service Counselor, it is my job to help the students asking themselves those questions continue making plans for the future.

St. Joseph’s is proud to have six seniors graduating from our high school program this spring!
St. Joseph’s is proud to have six seniors graduating from our high school program this spring!

Many seniors have already applied to colleges or for military service and are pretty secure in what their next step will be. We continue to put plans together to plan the details that will help those students succeed in their next endeavor.

As we work on the process of selecting eighth grade students for our high school program, we work to keep stress levels down and ease anxieties. No matter what our eighth grade students choose to do next, it will be a new adventure!

While it is exciting to see a student graduate from high school, it is a bittersweet moment as we prepare to let the students spread their wings and fly. While many of our eighth grade students will return to our high school program in the fall, some will choose to attend high schools in other places… another bittersweet moment.

No matter what a student chooses to do after these milestones in their lives, we wish them well and wish them success.

As we navigate through the end of winter and the season of Lent, it is a good time to reflect on what the mission of St. Joseph’s Indian School and in what ways we can continue to be of service to the Lakota (Sioux) students and their families. We truly thank all of you who have chosen to be of service to our mission here at St. Joseph’s, through donations, prayer, and support.

Without your commitment to service, we would not be able to provide the programs necessary to help the students learn the skills they will need to survive in the world.

So as the last weeks of school quickly approach, know that amidst home trips, softball, track and summer preparation, you who support us so well are not forgotten!

We pray for you daily, and thank the Lord daily for all you do. May God Bless and keep you always.


Family Service Counselor

Preparing to receive the Sacraments at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Good day from St. Joseph’s,Fr. Anthony explained the vestments, colors, books, chalices and paten, the altar and tabernacle and sanctuary lamp.

This was a big weekend at St. Joseph’s Indian School with the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Sacramental Prep Class having a mini-retreat on Saturday. Over 30 students are preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, which is a decision they make with their families.

Most of the class will be baptized and receive the other two sacraments. Nine are preparing just for First Communion and one, who is already baptized in another denomination, will be making a Profession of Faith and then receive First Communion.  The students have been studying since early October.  They joined with others around the world to take part in the Rite of Election on Sunday by which they again affirm their desire to draw closer to God and sign their names in the Book of the Elect which acknowledges their commitment in front of the whole faith community present at Mass.The students made stoles decorated with symbols relating to the sacraments and will wear them when they are baptized.

As you can see from the pictures, they made stoles decorated with various symbols relating to the sacraments and will wear them when they are baptized. In Our Lady of the Sioux Chapel I explained the vestments, colors, books, chalices and paten, the altar and tabernacle and sanctuary lamp.

They also had the opportunity to practice receiving the host and taking a sip of wine, which brought out some interesting facial expressions! The children preparing for First Communion had a chance to try a sip of wine.

Another session dealt with the seven Gifts of the Spirit, followed by painting a blessing cup. They made bread, which was shared with their individual homes.  It was a wonderful time helping them prepare for their big day in April!

Also on Saturday the fourth, fifth and sixth grade Braves took part in a basketball tournament hosted by Chamberlain. Teams came from surrounding communities in central South Dakota.  Sadly our fourth and sixth grade teams went out early despite keeping their games close. Our fifth grade team lost their first game but came back strong to beat Crow Creek and Mitchell to capture third place. Way to go guys!Students painted their own blessing cup as part of their preparations to receive the Sacraments.

Besides the basketball tournament, there was also a wrestling mini-clinic that some of our younger boys took part in. Thank you for helping us offer the Lakota children a variety of activities to help them cultivate lifelong interests!

I hope you have a great week as the month of February comes to an end.  Know you and your intentions are remembered in our prayers as the children ask the Great Spirit to bless and reward you for your generosity for their education and care.The children made bread which they shared with their homes.


Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ
