A quiet, lazy day on campus. The only homes open today are Fisher and Pinger for the summer break homes. Vickie and Richard were looking after a dozen 2nd– 4th graders who are staying for a good part of the summer. Some are here for remedial school work, others because their home situations make it better for them to be here for the summer. The homes normally house junior high students and Vickie was scrambling around campus to find coloring books, toys and games to entertain the younger children. I stopped by for lunch and visited.
Tag: Lakota (Sioux)
Learning to overcome disappointment
8th grade graduation is both a happy and sad time. We know that while many of the students will continue on with our high school program, several will be attending other schools next year. Besides being a time of congratulations, this was also a time of goodbyes.
Our graduation speaker was Deacon Harold Condon, who graduated from St. Joseph’s Indian School in the 8th grade class of 1964. He grew up speaking Lakota at home, but in those days, when he attended school here, he was not allowed to speak his native language. In the 70s he returned to St. Joseph’s Indian School as a member of the staff and began the Lakota Studies program that continues to help our students take greater pride in their Native American culture. This was a special day for him because the graduating class included his grandson, whom he knows will get a good education here.
Senator John Thune was able to join us. He recounted to our students how sports was so important to him growing up, yet he was devastated when he missed a shot at the end of the district basketball tournament that was the difference between going to State and ending the season and his high school career. As he sat dejectedly in the locker room, the coach came in and told him, ” John, go get on the bus. And one more thing. Track practice begins Monday.” We all need to learn that lesson about overcoming disappointment.

Senator Thune made extra time to visit with Robert, one of our graduates who is very interested in how government works. Robert wrote his 8th grade term paper on Senator Thune, before he ever knew that he’d be at the graduation.
We finished the celebration with a festive meal in the dining hall before folks went their separate ways.
The 7th graders are all still on campus, not just to take notes for their ceremony next year, but to prepare for their week-long cultural trip. That proved to be one of this 8th grade class’s favorite memories; we hope it will be for this group as well. I met them at the Sacred Hoop Center before they loaded up the van and mini-bus to head on the road, and offer prayers of support and encouragement.
Letters of support and remembrances
The 8th graders spent the morning in retreat, preparing for graduation tomorrow. Many of the staff wrote letters of support filled with remembrances of our Lakota kids’ years here at St. Joseph’s Indian School, which visibly moved the students.

At the end of retreat time, we had graduation practice. The students are feeling a combination of nervousness and excitement. At the luncheon we gave each of the students a gift bag and a portrait, taken by Aaron, who works in our development office. He individualized each photo, much like senior class pictures. We all got a smile to see the magic of Photoshop merge a picture of Justin Bieber to look like he was standing right next to Angela. All of the students treasured those photos.
Erin and Robert have attended St. Joseph’s Indian School since first grade. Our “lifers” got special recognition and a gift.
Truancy isn’t a problem in our school since the kids live right here on campus. But they may come from homes several hours away and days missed from not getting back from breaks leads to less time for learning in the classroom. We have prizes for perfect attendance as an extra incentive for families to get the students back to school. 34 children made it through the entire year without missing a day and were rewarded with their choice of a bicycle to take home, a camera, MP3 music player or a clothing gift certificate.
The 1st – 3rd grade homes gathered in Wisdom Circle, in the center of the campus, for an end of the year t-ball picnic. The students who aren’t staying for graduation were loading up cars and heading for home and it was a nice occasion to have their families sit at the picnic table and join us for something to eat before they hit the road.
One year ago today …
One year ago today I was under the knife for 8 ½ hours when they removed my tumor at the Mayo Clinic. While it has been a hard year in very real ways, it has also been a year of tremendous blessing and support. Just by coincidence, the local paper is doing a story on cancer survivors, and one of the reporters stopped by my office to ask me about my experiences. And I am so appreciative of all the people who have encouraged me and walked with me through this journey.
It was a therapeutic way to see where I’ve been and how far I’ve come.
Students are cleaning out their lockers and getting ready for the school year to end. Today Mary Jane put out many of the children’s books that have been donated in the Assembly Room; students all had a chance to look through them and take a bag full home with them for the summer. Reading during vacation times is so helpful for vocabulary, comprehension and retention. Very few of the Indian Reservation communities have libraries, so it’s even more crucial that our students have access to some material they will enjoy and learn from.
After school Kathleen, our principal, ordered fresh-baked pies from Casey’s restaurant and the teachers and staff sat around to relax and start to dream about their own summer vacations.
The end of the school year
We had our last couple of team meetings for the St. Joseph’s school year. We have a two day strategic planning retreat coming up in a couple of weeks, and our management team reviewed the briefing papers that our working groups have put together, and held a phone conference with our facilitator to work out some of the details. Planning is a lot of work on the front end, but when it is done right and provides good direction for the future; it is certainly worth the effort.
Our Child Services Team went over student issues as we wrap up another school year and get ready for our summer programming. Most students are excited about going home for the summer, but if a home situation is not the best, it can cause students to feel stress, anxiety and even act out in destructive ways at school or in the home. While these last days are mostly fun, we do have some students who are having difficulties and we are trying to pay close attention to their needs.
Next week we will have several homes open for the students who will be here for up to 7 more weeks. We’re also getting ready for our Rising Eagle Day Camp, and will bus children from the Crow Creek and Lower Brule Indian Reservations for recreational and cultural activities. Keep checking back for more information!
Step Up Day at St. Joseph’s
Today was “Step Up Day” at the school. The first graders moved to the second grade classroom to see what that was like, 2nd grade moved up to 3rd and so on. The 4th graders moved up from the middle floor of school to the top floor where they will be 5th graders. They were mostly excited that they get their own book lockers.

After school we had the spring sports awards. Medals were presented to the winning teams for T-Ball and Softball, and trophies were given for outstanding track and archery efforts. Jerry Vaad’s daughter came to present a trophy in her dad’s memory to the home who placed highest in our Wednesday night enrichment activities. And Leonard, a houseparent was named “Rec Center Volunteer of the Year” for all his work with T-ball and the pep club.
The 6th– 8th grade homes had an end of the year cook out, and then we had the staff versus 8th grade co-ed softball game. The staff prevailed 13-8, but it was more fun than real competition. The staff had to hit a larger softball which didn’t travel as far and the students were given 5 outs per inning to level the playing field a bit. We had a beautiful night with lots of laughs and a few impressive hits and catches. My leg didn’t hurt, but I still haven’t recovered any speed or power. I looked pretty lame trying to run in for a foul pop up, but did make a nice over the shoulder catch later to snuff out a student rally. I had two singles in four at bats and saw lots of action at third base.
Congratulations St. Joseph’s Indian School graduates

This afternoon, 61 high school students received their diplomas from Chamberlain High School. Three of them represented St. Joseph Indian School and a fourth was a long time student who left our program, but stayed in town with family and finished. Several of our staff’s children also graduated. I’ve seen them grow up as well as they’ve come onto campus for various activities over the years, or I know them through church, sports or school activities. I went to a couple of the open houses held for the kids and heard about the St. Joseph’s Indian School kids’ future plans.

One of our St. Joseph’s Indian School graduates had a reception at the guest house on campus. With nice weather, her family sat around the picnic tables and had a festive celebration. I enjoy the chance to meet our students’ extended family, especially since several of them live quite a distance away and I don’t always get the chance to do so.
When our religious community gathers …
I’ve been on the road for three days traveling to Texas to help celebrate the priesthood ordination of one of our youngest SCJs. The ceremony was simple, since he was the only one being ordained, and lovely. Participating in the ordination reaffirmed my own commitment to being a good priest. My favorite part of the ritual is when the one to be ordained lies prostrate on the floor in prayer and the whole congregation sings the litany of the saints. During my ordination, that’s when I most strongly felt the love and power and prayer that has supported me all these years, and I was again very teary eyed as we prayed for Greg.
When our religious community gathers, it’s the laughter, storytelling and camaraderie I enjoy the most. There was ample opportunity to do just that.
Greg’s family have been long time donors to St. Joseph Indian School. I told them that donors are very generous with us in many unique ways, but to send the SCJs a vocation is very special indeed. While he hasn’t been assigned to South Dakota, who knows where the future might take him.
I lived in Texas for 5 years and enjoyed the people and culture immensely. I had some time to visit good friends in the area and enjoy the 85 degree summery weather by taking a long walk. Since I worked up an appetite, I got to enjoy a hearty breakfast of chorizo and eggs, and later have brisket and sweet tea as mouth-watering as I remember.
Encouraging and acknowledging our Lakota students
60’s hippie night was the theme of this semester’s academic banquet for grades 4-8, and this evening the dining hall was awash in tie-die and beads. A trio of staff did a spoof of a Bob Dylan song with, “The Kids They are A-Studying”. Most of the kids never heard of Bob Dylan, but the verses were clever:
Come on you houseparents throughout St. Joe’s land,
And don’t even attempt what you don’t understand!
This new math, these fractions are beyond your command,
The old math is rapidly agin’!
Please find a smart student who’ll lend a big hand,
For the kids they are a studying!
I got together with Nate-a houseparent and Dave-the art teacher and donned Beatles garb, including a wig. The kids laughed to see me with a full head of hair. We broke out the guitars and drums and led the crowd in “Let it Be” and “Shake It Up Baby”. The campy staff led the screams and fake fainting and we had lots of fun.
Each of the students who made A or B honor roll got to invite a staff member to attend with them, and my favorite Duo was Judy-our librarian and 6th grader Jeremiah, who came as Sonny and Cher. We try to do something special to encourage and acknowledge our Lakota students who do well in school.
Lasting and special bonds
Today was Jerry’s funeral. The youngest three grades didn’t attend, but all the other students who wanted to were given the chance, and all but a handful loaded up on busses and made their way to the service. While the focus last night was more on our students as the mourners, today the proper attention was paid primarily to his family. We learned more about his life and how he helped people as a neighbor, as he ran cattle and took good care of the land.
Fr. Anthony found an appropriate quote from a Northern Cheyenne Chief, “On the day you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a way that on the day you die, the world cries and you rejoice.” That seemed fitting for the kind of man Jerry was.
After the funeral we stayed for a meal and socializing. The family provided frybread and Indian tacos for everyone, which was a lot of work, but well appreciated.
We had other farewells today. At the end of the school day we gathered back at the Rec Center to say farewell to our four houseparents who will be moving on to other pursuits next year. The low turnover in our staff does speak to the stability of our programs.
This evening the Hogebach Home (high school girls) won the trophy for highest home Grade Point Average, and invited me to go out to eat with them in a victory celebration. High school ends classes on Thursday and as I sat across from two seniors, Shay and Andrea, I realized this would probably be the last time this whole group ate together. The service was very slow, but it worked out nicely as it gave us more time to reminisce, visit and laugh. When kids not only go to school together, but live, play and grow up together, there are some lasting and special bonds created.