Fr. Steve arrived home Friday evening (June 4), and the folks at school had two placards – complete with balloons and ribbons – welcoming me back to campus.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thanks to Fr. Bill for keeping everyone posted while I was in the hospital!
I arrived home Friday evening (June 4), and the folks at school had two placards – complete with balloons and ribbons – welcoming me back to campus. One sign was posted at the first stop sign on campus, and the other was at our house.
When we stopped to take a picture, 7th grader Erin was walking by the Rec Center and came up and gave me a big hug. It is so good to be back.
My main ailment right now is my right leg. The nerves are very sore and sensitive after the surgery. The doctors are hopeful the pain will diminish and I’ll get a little stronger each day. I just know I’m not going to be kicking soccer balls or field goals any time soon. I get around very slowly, but I am able to get around.
I woke up last night and had some discomfort. I went to find the nurse call button and realized I was home in my own bed and just had to manage myself. During my 11 days in the hospital I received wonderful care, but it is still a bit disorienting.
One of the hospital chaplains pointed out that we talk a lot about “One day at a time” but when you are seriously ill, you really have to live it.
Last night, I went to supper at the Sheehy Home and caught up on the activities of our eighth grade boys who are now spending three weeks in extra classes as they transition into the high school program. Nate grilled pork chops outside, and I at the biggest meal I’ve had in two weeks. It’s a good sign that my appetite is coming back.
Today was low key.
Fr. Anthony and I celebrated mass in the house chapel. It’s still hard to stand for long periods of time, and I have to build up to it.
This afternoon, I went to the office just to work on thank you cards. So many people have offered support and inspiration and helped see me through this rough period.