The Lakota students join in for yoga

Almost all of our staff participated in a “Top 20” training today. We did so in three shifts, so the normal work and school day could go on. The program helps people see how a positive attitude and problem solving approach is so much more effective than a problem naming and blaming approach. Our students, and even our co-workers can face difficult life issues and test our patience. With humor and insight, the trainer helped staff to bring forth examples and see issues we daily face in a new light. During this time of mid-winter February “blahs”, I found the training helpful and thought-provoking.

This is the time of year we’ve also been working on budgets, so I spent a good chunk of the afternoon crunching numbers.

Native American student taking part in Yoga.
American Indian student taking part in Yoga.

I often get invited to the homes for supper, but tonight I got a special invitation to join the Raphael (1st-3rd grade boys) for their weekly evening of Yoga. While talking to Aleece, a houseparent, about the yoga I regularly do, she invited me to join them. She thought I would be a good role model for the boys to see a grown man doing the stretches and poses too. The Raphael home has been doing Yoga once a week all year. Besides helping the students work on their strength, coordination and flexibility it is also a good activity for calming them down before bed time. I enjoyed the fun mix of poses like the elephant–moving trunks and the race car–seated position with arms and legs extended. The boys made great sound effects while doing their imaginary racing. The Lakota students were fun to be with, and I ended the night both sore and relaxed by the variety of movements.

Author: St. Joseph's Indian School

At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.

2 thoughts on “The Lakota students join in for yoga”

  1. Fr Steve,
    The Honor was ours.
    It was a great pleasure meeting you,the
    children, and staff. The presentation and video was very enlighting and enjoyed very much. You can tell the girls from the wife and myself “Outstanding Job” WE wish them much success with their plans and dreams. Our prayers go with them. Love the pictures.
    they have their place on my desk.
    God Bless you and your mission. You can count on our family for support as much as possible.
    Thanks again for the great lunch
    and visit by all.

    John & Barbra Neville

  2. WHAT FUN..! And movement planned so well as Yoga is very beneficial….helps us think, too…
    And how did YOUR exercise go, father..? Did you feel it this morning..?
    Hugs and All..
    Mia and Bob

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