Cultural Trip forms Students into Future Leaders

The seventh grade class at St. Joseph’s Indian School traveled the region as part of the annual Cultural Trip, a favorite tradition to many of students.

On a cloudy May afternoon, the seventh grade students of St. Joseph’s Indian School huddled in prayer before embarking on the trip that has become a spiritual and cultural rite of passage for the school’s students. The journey, which underwent some changes during the pandemic year, was unchanged in its tradition of forming these students into the school’s leaders when school opens next fall. Continue reading “Cultural Trip forms Students into Future Leaders”

Feeding Our Family at St. Joseph’s Indian School

When you make spaghetti for your family, what does it look like? You likely grab a one-pound box of noodles, a pound or so of meat, a jar of sauce and maybe some other fixings — unless you make the sauce yourself. (You know who you are and we applaud you.)

Easy-peasy, and dinner’s on the table, right?

Well, when we cook for our family of kiddos at St. Joseph’s Indian School, it looks a wee bit different. Continue reading “Feeding Our Family at St. Joseph’s Indian School”

Alumna’s Story Filled with Twists, Turns and Perseverance

LaToya (center) with the little ones she loves, and who were the inspiration that kept her moving forward no matter the challenge.

When LaToya Crazy Bull thinks about her future, it’s not necessarily a scene of events that come to her mind — rather, it’s the faces of those she loves most.

At 29-years-old, she cares for her own two-year-old son and her seven-year-old brother. Her teenage little sister also joins her home from time to time.

LaToya’s dream is to give them the stable environment they need for a brighter future. And she’s well on her way … Continue reading “Alumna’s Story Filled with Twists, Turns and Perseverance”

St. Joseph’s Students Hit the Road during Driver’s Ed

“Big Joe” instructs a class of students during Driver’s Education at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

It can be a daunting task to get into the passenger seat with a young driver … especially when it’s their first time in the driver’s seat! But somebody’s gotta do it!

And Joe, or “Big Joe” as he’s known on St. Joseph’s Indian School’s campus, was just the man for the job.

“I’ve only had to use the emergency brake on my side two times so far,” he said, smiling. Continue reading “St. Joseph’s Students Hit the Road during Driver’s Ed”

Rise Above the Storm and You will Find Your Sunshine

The eighth grade class of 2021 posed for a group photo. You can feel the love they have for one another!

If you are a supporter of St. Joseph’s Indian School, think back on how long you’ve been a part of our thiyóšpayeextended family. Maybe you’re new to the crew. Or, maybe you’ve stayed loyal to the Lakota (Sioux) children and have been supporting them for three, five or even 10-plus years.

Regardless of how long you’ve been our kȟoláfriend you can take pride in what your support has accomplished for the eighth grade class of 2021. Continue reading “Rise Above the Storm and You will Find Your Sunshine”

Prayer for Healing: Girls Dance at St. Joseph’s Indian School for Wellbeing of Others

As a jingle dress dancer moves, the metal cones unleash what resembles the sound of falling rain.

The young girls twirled and stepped, their tracks guided by the musical heartbeat of the drum. As they moved, their jingle dresses shook — unleashing the sweet, musical sounds of prayer.

A spring wind blew and as it did, nature joined in and danced with the girls. Trees swayed and their branches clicked. Grasses whistled. River waves crashed. Leaves that endured the winter twisted in the breeze.

It was nature and mankind coming together for the purpose of prayer … prayer for health, healing and hope. Continue reading “Prayer for Healing: Girls Dance at St. Joseph’s Indian School for Wellbeing of Others”

Prayers in the Wind: St. Joseph’s Students Make Prayer Flags

Prayer flags flap in the South Dakota breeze, as the prayers are lifted up toward heaven.

A blank, rectangular piece of fabric was recently placed before each student at St. Joseph’s Indian School. It was accompanied with art supplies in all shades of the rainbow.

These were the ingredients for which the students would use to pray.

Confused? Continue reading “Prayers in the Wind: St. Joseph’s Students Make Prayer Flags”

St. Joseph’s Recognizes Child Abuse Prevention Month

Staff wore blue shirts with the motto “Strengthening Families and Communities.” Below this featured the Lakota words: Táku waŋláka čháŋ, tákeya yo/ye — See Something, Say Something.

On April 13, 2021, Child Services staff at St. Joseph’s Indian School braved the high winds and cold in order to take pictures for Child Abuse Awareness month. Staff wore blue shirts with the motto “Strengthening Families and Communities.” Below this were pictures of children playing, with the Lakota words Táku waŋláka čháŋ, tákeya yo/ye See Something, Say Something. Continue reading “St. Joseph’s Recognizes Child Abuse Prevention Month”

“And the earth he has given to mankind.”

Celebrate Earth Day by getting outside and enjoying the beauty of nature.

“God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.” — Genesis 1:10

If you’re familiar with the story of God’s creation of Earth and all its living things, you’ve probably heard that verse in some version again and again.

Perhaps you’ve heard it so many times that it doesn’t seem that special. But think about it Continue reading ““And the earth he has given to mankind.””