Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown, Girls on the Run, Flat Francis and Healing at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Greetings from a snowy St. Joseph’s Indian School.

We were lucky it was not snowing on Sunday when our students and staff returned to campus after Thanksgiving Break, but the weather has been making up for it since with wind, snow and low temperatures.

Break Home

While everyone was away for the holiday, it was rather quiet here on campus.  We only had a few students in the Break Home, but they enjoyed themselves.  On Black Friday, they Continue reading “Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown, Girls on the Run, Flat Francis and Healing at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”

Snow, Graduation, Family Night, Basketball and Thanksgiving at St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Holiday greetings from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

The good weather South Dakota has been blessed with took a harsh turn when snow, wind and falling temperatures all hit at once. Just across the Missouri River, nearby towns were hit with 3 inches of snow.

A special thank you to our maintenance staff who were hard at work early in the morning to keep our campus open.

20161117_154954The temperatures had dropped and the wind had come up the day before, which made for a chilly blessing for our new outdoor basketball court, donated by a benefactor from the Chicago area. The court will be a new spot for our students to develop their skills and have some fun. Continue reading “Snow, Graduation, Family Night, Basketball and Thanksgiving at St. Joseph’s Indian School!”

Elections, Awards and Sports at St. Joseph’s!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Last week was a beautiful week here along the banks of the Missouri River.

sunset-1With the recent time change, the sun is now setting over the river just as the school/work day comes to an end and we are seeing some glorious sunsets reflecting off the water and highlighting the few leaves that are still on the trees.  It has even been so nice out that many fisherman are taking advantage and getting in some last casts. Continue reading “Elections, Awards and Sports at St. Joseph’s!”

Halloween, Voting Preparation and Lots of Activities at St. Joseph’s!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

The weather has really been cooperating and gifting us with mild days as we keep moving deeper and deeper into Autumn. This is beneficial for our students since it gives them the chance to run around outside and breathe in the fresh air.

Even though the football and volleyball uniforms have been returned to the athletic department, our students still have the opportunity to get involved! Currently, our students are participating in archery, wrestling, gymnastics, girls’ basketball and Dancing Dolls and Dudes.
img_4409 Continue reading “Halloween, Voting Preparation and Lots of Activities at St. Joseph’s!”

Native American Day, Acalympics and a Dance at St. Joseph’s!

Hello from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

It has been busy here on campus.  We celebrated Native American Day on October 10 (South Dakota is the only state to recognize Native American Day in substitution of Columbus Day- read more below), hosted an Academic Acalympics Competition on October 19, and enjoyed a Halloween Dance sponsored by the National Honor Society students this past Friday.


Continue reading “Native American Day, Acalympics and a Dance at St. Joseph’s!”

The seasons are changing at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

We pause for a moment of silence—the splashing fountain at the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center has been covered. For St. Joseph’s staff and students, this is the real indication that the seasons are changing and it reminds us that winter is coming.

The change in weather can also bring a variety of illnesses with it, chief among them the flu. These past few days, St. Joseph’s students have been walking past my office on their way to the health center to receive their flu shots. Continue reading “The seasons are changing at St. Joseph’s Indian School”

Seniors, Sports and a Special Visitor at St. Joseph’s!

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

Fall has arrived with brisk mornings and nice afternoons.  The leaves are starting to change, but seem to be taking their time.  I envy those living on the East coast who are currently enjoying the changing of the leaves’ colors!

High School Seniors

St. Joseph's seniors researching their college options.
St. Joseph’s seniors researching their college options.

Fall is a reminder to our high school seniors that their academic year is moving along and it is time to start looking at where they would like to attend college. Each senior has been getting a variety of brochures from colleges around the state and  Continue reading “Seniors, Sports and a Special Visitor at St. Joseph’s!”

What a whirlwind weekend at St. Joseph’s!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's ChaplainGood day from St. Joseph’s Indian School.

What a whirlwind!!!!  Our 40th Annual Powwow on September 17th is now in the books; but a great time was had by all.

Due to a lot of prayers, God blessed us with great weather and a nice turnout of benefactors and guests.  We had 465 friends, donors and Continue reading “What a whirlwind weekend at St. Joseph’s!”

New Look, Same Great Blog!

After some research and creative brainstorming, St. Joseph’s Indian School decided to change things up!

Our new blog looks a little different, but will still have the same great content, timely updates and heartwarming photos we’ve all grown to love.

As we begin our journey with the new blog together, please don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts in the comment sections after each blog.

We look forward to catching up with you each week!

Thanks for your support of the boys and girls at St. Joseph’s Indian School. Your generosity is impacting and changing lives each and every day!

Our very best today and always.


Powwow Weekend has Officially Begun at St. Joseph’s!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's ChaplainGood Day from St. Joseph’s!

St. Joseph’s Powwow Weekend has officially begun! We are enjoying welcoming visitors, donors and friends to campus and look forward to Saturday’s powwow.

The sports program here at St. Joseph’s is off to a flying start.

This week, our 6th-8th grade Cross Country team has had three meets—one in White River, another in Pierre and the third Continue reading “Powwow Weekend has Officially Begun at St. Joseph’s!”