Chelsey: Family Service Counselor at St. Joseph’s Indian School

Hi, I’m Chelsey and I am a Family Service Counselor here at St. Joseph’s. This is my second year

Chelsey and her mentor match, Hope.
Chelsey’s mentor match, Hope, is in St. Joseph’s high school program.

working at this wonderful place. The end of the school year is a busy time for everyone on campus even though most of the kids head home for the summer break. It is filled with many smiles, hugs, and “see-you-laters.” For myself and the other Family Service Counselors, it means we have to make paperwork deadlines! Ha!

During the summer, the counselors enjoy traveling all over South Dakota to visit the Lakota students and families we work with. We go to their hometowns and usually find the kids out on their bikes, playing basketball or running around with their siblings and other kids in the neighborhood.

Sometimes, we see our students from the Crow Creek and Lower Brule communities at St. Joseph’s day camp. We love to check in and see how their summer is going. Often times on visits, we like to bring snacks to share or take the kids out for lunch or ice cream. Visiting our students in the summer is a great opportunity to see where they come from and their life at home. The families are so hospitable and love to sit down and visit while sipping on a cup of coffee.

Another responsibility for the Family Service Counselors during the summer is helping with admissions. We interview potential students as well as their families, and have several meetings throughout the summer to accept new students.

We love telling others about St. Joseph’s Indian School and answering any questions the students or families might have.

It has been a great year at St. Joseph’s Indian School! We are sad to see them leave and miss them being on campus, but we are already planning for their return in August. Thank you for making our work possible!

Chelsey, Family Service Counselor

Eighth Grade Graduation at St. Joseph’s Indian School

On Friday, May 22 2015, 19 proud Lakota students graduated from eighth grade at St. Joseph’s Indian School. Major Gifts Officer Brian gave an inspiring address to

Brian, St. Joseph's Major Gifts Officer
Brian, St. Joseph’s Major Gifts Officer

students, families and staff.

Parents – thank you for being here. Your presence and support is crucial and I know you must be very proud of your child as they are proud of you. We appreciate all the family members in attendance and the ones who were not able to make it. I commend and applaud you.

Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, family members and friends, St. Joseph’s staff. Welcome to a special moment, for some special kids at a special place: St. Joseph Indian School. Words fall short when describing this wonderful organization. From the outstanding leadership of Mike Tyrell and administration to our Child Services Team, Development Office, Facilities, Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center and Rec Center staff, and our 60 nurturing houseparents, it is definitely a collaborative effort. St. Joseph’s staff are the most professional, hardworking people I have ever had the privilege to work with. Each day they bring passion, commitment, dedication and – most importantly – unconditional love for your children. Staff, I commend and applaud you.

Sitting Bull was a man well ahead of his times when he most eloquently stated, “Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” So here we gather – together. Unified for the same purpose: these 19 young men and young ladies.

At this time I would like to take a moment and briefly talk about three ships and one destiny. I can assure you I am not talking about the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. The ships are named Citizenship, Mentorship and Leadership.

Let’s take the first, Citizenship. Students, you may not know this, but you were born into dual citizenship. Citizens of the United States and citizens of your respective sovereign tribes. This puts you in a very select and unique class. Very few Americans have dual citizenship. This is a privilege. However, with twice the privileges come twice the responsibilities. In both your Native and non-native communities you must stay informed, respect other’s rights, vote and volunteer. Be an active citizen.

Now for our second ship. Mentorship.

Whether you realize it or not, you are a mentor. Your siblings, peers and other young children are always watching you. Make the right choices, do the right thing. Set the standard high for others to follow. Always do your best in whatever you do; set goals and seek challenges; become a role model for those coming behind you; and always have God in your heart.


James Baldwin made a very true statement for all of us to learn from. He said “children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”

We all have the duty of mentorship.

Now, for our lead ship. Of course that would be leadership.

Leadership has many faces, many definitions and various styles. From my perspective, a leader needs to be a visionary who is passionate for his people and their dreams. The leader is the navigator, converting dreams into goals and goals into success.

Most importantly, be a servant leader. Serve the Creator with complete obedience to His will – not yours. Be a leader who is committed to promoting tribal interests over personal gain. Always represent traits becoming of Native Americans – strong, resilient and determined. Proud, yet humble. Never forget the sacrifices of your ancestors. The privileges you enjoy today began with the sacrifices of previous generations.

As we commemorate this next generation of Native Americans, let us not boast of yesterday’s success, less we stumble in securing tomorrow’s dreams and blessings.

Today, we celebrate the accomplishments of 19 of St. Joseph’s best and brightest. A new generation, full of hope and poised to take on the challenges facing Indian Country. Future leaders who will personify integrity, ethics and self-determination. Class of 2015, you must be resilient and strong. You must have courage and lead. Most importantly, you must stand united and never forget, Generosity is the Heart of Native America.

The leader of my tribe, the Honorable Governor Bill Anoatubby conveys a powerful message – “A rising tide raises all ships.” This, I believe, is true. Unfortunately for many in Indian Country, they have weathered the storms but high tide has yet to roll in. However, as each raindrop contributes to the depths of the oceans, each one of us has the ability to help raise that tide and roll it in.

One drop at a time.

One day at a time.

One child at a time.

There is an old Indian proverb that states, “The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.”

We as Native Americans have shed more than our share of tears. The time has come – I said the time has come for our tide to roll in and we receive our rainbow. The future is bright. Our children are ready. St. Joseph’s is a blessing. And God is with us!

Let us remember that a rainbow symbolizes a covenant. A promise. God’s promise. Today, we receive 19 of God’s promises. 19 young rainbows. A pot of gold may not be waiting. However, something more valuable, more important awaits. Hope, opportunity, love and the ability to connect with God’s destiny for your life. Creator has a special plan for each of you. He has supplied you with all the tools. It is up to you to navigate your journey. Listen, pray and depend on The Great Spirit. The road will not be completely red or white or yellow or purple or any other color. You will find the road is in itself a rainbow. This path will take you to the highest mountains and other times sink you below sea level, but you will prevail. Trust, have faith, love family, never give up and believe! Believe in yourself as everyone in this chapel believes in you!

As you walk out those doors, remember your duties as a citizen. Remember your duties as a mentor. Remember your calling as a Native American leader! Be proud of who you are and always proud of where you come from. You are our future!

Today, you are St. Joseph’s Braves. Tomorrow you become warriors! Some of the greatest leaders in our history were Dakota and Lakota. Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Black Elk, American Horse. The list goes on and on. You cannot fail! You will not fail! It is in your genes! It is in your spirit! It is in your heart! It is in your blood! Stand up and be proud! YOU ARE NAKOTA! YOU ARE DAKOTA! YOU ARE LAKOTA! You will succeed!!!

Perhaps one of you will follow in the footsteps of Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull or Red Cloud and be the next great leader of your people. Crazy Horse has always been – and

19 Lakota students graduated from eighth grade at St. Joseph’s Indian School on May 22, 2015.
Congratulations to St. Joseph’s eighth grade Class of 2015!

always be – my hero.

Now it is your turn to be someone’s hero!

Students, look behind you. Go ahead look behind you.

You have already become our heroes!!

Congratulations class of 2015! Well Done!

Summer (Genius) Begins for the Lakota Children

Something a parent recently said at a Parent Advisory Council meeting caught my attention. He expressed concern for students who, upon returning home, have little

Clare, St. Joseph's Director of Pastoral Care
Clare, St. Joseph’s Director of Pastoral Care

structure or things to do. He wanted to know how we might support students when they return home from St. Joseph’s.

Because of his request, we are piloting a project called “Summer Genius.” Students in grades 1-6 have headed home with a backpack full of supplies to keep them sharp, active and learning this summer. There is a jump rope with an age-level challenge, a “How to Juggle” kit, finger puppets, Lakota word and phrase lists, a nature scavenger hunt, a prayer practice, a book of mazes, a kit for making bracelets, a kite, a journal, a grade-level “Summer Bridge Activities Book” to reinforce all they have learned this past year, and materials to send a note back to St. Joseph’s staff.

Summer Genius packs include a jump rope with an age-level challenge, a “How to Juggle” kit, finger puppets, Lakota word and phrase lists, a nature scavenger hunt, a prayer practice, a book of mazes, a kit for making bracelets, a kite, a journal, a grade-level “Summer Bridge Activities Book” to reinforce all they have learned this past year, and materials to send a note back to St. Joseph’s staff.
Each student received a Summer Genius pack to take home, including activities to keep them growing – mind, body, heart and spirit.

This came about because that parent’s request resonated so much with me. As a mother of three now-grown children, I remember those first days and weeks of the “horse latitudes” of summer. By that I am referring to that belt of calm air and sea where literally nothing is going on… a ship can get quite stuck. Without the structure and activities that mark the school year, children find themselves lost, becalmed and irritable.

They are used to the directives and organization of school, and it takes work to help them be positively self-directed during summer. My children would pick on each other and complain about everything. “I’m bored” was their mantra. In my first years as a parent of grade-school children, I was baffled by this phenomenon. “It’s summer,” I thought. “We all should be happy!”

As I realized what the problem was, I started our summers with as much structure as I could. We read a book at breakfast. They had worksheets to do. They had chores, and organized outings, and bubble wands, and as many activities as I could lay out.

Did this keep up all summer long? No. Just until they became used to the freedom and figured out how to enjoy it!

We wish you an enjoyable summer, as well as to every one of St. Joseph’s Indian School’s “summer geniuses.”

God bless!

Clare, Director of Pastoral Care

Trips, Graduation & the last week of school for the Lakota students

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

Let me blow on my fingers first so I can type the blog today… brrr!  It has been damp, cold and windy in Chamberlain. Despite the unseasonable weather, everyone seems up-beat since this is the last week of the school year.

While St. Joseph’s students in grades 1-8 have a week to go, our high school students have begun summer break. Last week, Chamberlain High School (where our students attend), held their athletic awards banquet.  Eleven St. Joseph’s students won varsity letters!

  • Irene was Rookie of the Year for the girls’ golf team
  • Danny was the Most Dedicated in boys’ golf
  • Jacob was the Most Inspirational in track
  • Adrian was honored as being Captain, MVP and winner of the Hustler award in boys’ basketball.

The last day of school was Friday. Sunday brought the graduation of the Chamberlain High School Class of 2015 with six St. Joseph’s students among the proud graduates. The armory was jammed with family and friends to wish the class well as they stepped into their futures. Congratulations!

Meanwhile, the Explorers group traveled to Minneapolis, Minnesota to take in some baseball. They attended a Friday night game, spent the night and attended an afternoon game the next day before heading home.  It seems the Twins need them as good luck charms – the team won both games the boys attended but lost when the Explorers went home, dropping the Sunday game 11-3.


When students are back, they’ll put together presentations on their cultural trip.
Students camp throughout the seventh grade cultural trip, visiting places like Wind Cave, Bear Butte and Fort Laramie.

Today, St. Joseph’s students are having Field Day activities. Grades 4-6 did their events in the morning and grades 1-3 are doing theirs in the afternoon. When they are not participating in field activities, they will be at the local theater for a movie. All this is sandwiched around a picnic lunch at American Creek Park for everyone. Pray that the rain holds off!

This evening St. Joseph’s seventh graders will return from their annual cultural trip, which took them out to the Badlands, the Wounded Knee Massacre site and Wind Cave. They hiked Bear Butte and then visited the Crazy Horse monument being carved into a mountain in South Dakota’s Black Hills.

From there, it was on to Fort Laramie in Wyoming where a treaty was signed in 1868 between the United States and various bands of Lakota people along with Yanktonai Dakota and Arapaho Nation which guaranteed Lakota ownership of the Black Hills.  The discovery of gold led to incursions by miners and defense of their lands by the Native Americans which led to war and the seizing of the Black Hills by the government in 1877.

Next on the list were Greasy Grass, the Native American name for the Little Big Horn battle between the Native Americans and Custer’s 7th Calvary and Mato Tipila, more commonly known as Devil’s Tower and finally the Vore Buffalo Jump. Tomorrow, when students are back, they’ll put together presentations on what the journey meant to them which they’ll present them to the students and staff on Thursday morning.

This week will end with our eighth grade graduation. We ask you to keep our graduates in your prayers, that they may use the knowledge and skills they have developed here at St. Joseph’s to have a positive impact in the lives of those they’ll cross paths with in the future.

Have a great week! I hope everyone have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day next Monday as we honor and remember those who gave their tomorrows that we might have freedom today.

God bless,

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Six St. Joseph’s seniors graduated with the Chamberlain High School Class of 2015.
Congratulations class of 2015!

Children Count at St. Joseph’s Indian School!


Julie, Admissions
Julie, Admissions

Hello, our names are Celia and Julie and we oversee the Children Count Mentor Program at St. Joseph’s Indian School. The mentor program was established in 2001 to match a Lakota student with a positive adult staff member.
The goal of the program is to establish a positive relationship between adults and children, and to have a positive impact on Native American youth by actively

Celia, Residential Coordinator
Celia, Residential Coordinator

participating in their lives. These relationships can help children compensate for early experiences and protect them from the influences of social toxicity, negative peer groups and media violence.
Currently, we have 44 student/adult mentor matches. This year we even started some family matches so we could get more students involved. We have three family groups matched with either single staff

or married couples this year. We also have two staff members who took on the challenge of being matched with two students.
Students at St. Joseph’s are referred to the mentor program by their Family Service Counselor because they lack one-on-one contact with an adult – they may not have a family member who can check them out for an evening or weekend, or because they would benefit from a positive relationship with adults who actively participates in their lives.


We have three family groups matched with either single staff or married couples this year.
Mike and Jean mentor four brothers.

The mentor committee hosts five several events throughout the school year. We tried some new events this year. This included a hockey game and trip to a corn maze as well as our main events, picnics and Christmas get together. Everyone had a great time!
In addition to these organized events, staff spend 2-6 hours per month individually with their match. Some activities that students enjoy with their mentors are going out to eat, attending local sporting events, going for walks, making cookies and doing crafts, just to name a few.
Thank you for your support of this great program!

Julie & Celia

Mentor Committee

Crazy weather, honoring graduates at St. Joseph’s Indian School

What a mess!!!  Mother Nature needs to be reminded this is spring. On Sunday, South Dakota experienced a tornado to the east that damaged the town of Delmont and

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

blizzards to the west which dumped over 12” of snow in the Black Hills.  This unexpected blizzard trapped three of St. Joseph’s homes who were on their end-of-the-year family trip.  Here in Chamberlain we had rain, wind and blustery weather which had everyone searching for packed-away sweaters.

The bad weather also played havoc with a soccer tournament over in Mitchell in which the boys from Ambrose Home and the local Chamberlain community were taking part.  The team had won their first two games and spent the night in Mitchell to see if they could continue their success on Sunday.  The tornado put an end to that and caused them to take shelter in a basement for nearly an hour before the all clear was given.  They are not sure if the game will be re-scheduled, but they’ll have something to talk about for a while!

The rain also forced the Chamberlain High School girls’ golf team to miss out on advancing to regional play in their quest to move on to the state golf meet.  The meet will probably be made up and we wish St. Joseph’s student Irene success as she carries the colors for Chamberlain High School and St. Joseph’s.

Artist in Residence Jenny Menzel spent last week with St. Joseph’s seventh and eighth grade students, teaching them to design and produce invitation cards and thank you notes.  Tipi Press Printing, our print shop, will be helping the students get them printed.

St. Joseph’s is proud to have six Lakota students graduating from high school.
Last Wednesday, we had a prayer service honoring our six high school graduates.

This past Wednesday, we had a prayer service honoring our six high school graduates.  During the ceremony a video was shown in which our graduates gave advice to our younger students, shared what they see their future holding and what schools they’ll be attending in the fall.  Tonight, the Baccalaureate service will be held at St. James Catholic Church for all of the Chamberlain High School 2015 graduating class.  Friday will be their last day of school and graduation is scheduled for Sunday.

Chamberlain High School recently held a ceremony honoring the academic achievements of various class members and awarded scholarships.  Angela, a St. Joseph’s student, was named a Regent’s Scholar and won the Ruth Potter Memorial/Dakota Indian Foundation Scholarship. Congratulations Angela!

On Mother’s Day we remembered our moms at Mass and then passed out flowers to all the mothers.  It was also a Mass to honor our eighth grade graduates.  Those attending were asked to take part in the blessing offered for the moms and the graduates.

I hope you have a wonderful week.  You are remembered in our prayers as we ask God’s blessings on you for your generosity and interest in the welfare and education of the Lakota boys and girls attending St. Joseph’s Indian School.

God bless,

Fr. Anthony

Caring, Nurturing, Teaching at St. Joseph’s Indian School

I just Love St. Joseph’s in the spring time. The campus is blooming both figuratively and literally! We can finally go outside without freezing (the younger ones don’t mind the cold, but us older ones sure do!)

Robin, St. Joseph's Special Education Teacher
Robin, St. Joseph’s Special Education Teacher

My, this year has flown by, there is still so much I want to do with my students. But alas, I will have to wait until next year!

I work exclusively with two boys, both 8 years old. What a wild ride we take each day! Learning is difficult for them, as well as others, but St. Joseph’s is blessed to have staff who are caring and nurturing for all our Lakota students. Those who need our help in whatever way, get it.

Have I told you how much I love it here?

I was privileged to go to a conference in California earlier this spring to pick up some new tricks and revitalize some old tricks for working with students with different needs. It is amazing how many people around this country – and other countries – care for students with special needs.

The biggest and best advice I remember is to Just Breathe! Not just the little breaths we take each moment, but to breathe from our stomach and get full amounts of oxygen. This helps the mind work better, keeps momentum up, and energizes you. Fill your tummy up with air and then let it out slowly. AHHHH refreshing! Many things I learned were specific for students I work with. Breathing helps – A LOT!

I am excited to work in the Summer School Program this year. We will combine both computer learning and hands-on science activities from NASA. One of our adventures will be to see a private plane at the airport. The students will get to sit in the plane and have their picture taken. They will also learn how the plane runs, and see it take off and land.

To help with all these adventures, my Para and I were lucky enough to be able to interview St. Joseph’s high school students looking for summer jobs. St. Joseph’s Indian School held a mini job fair, so they could see all the summer jobs available here on campus. I think we picked a good one to work with us!

Another one of my pleasures is being a Co-Advisor for the National Honors Society at St. Joseph’s. We work with 4th – 8th grade students who have shown good moral character, work ethic and show service to others. Academic grades are also a factor. We had 15 students inducted this year. One of our projects was to make blue ribbons for April’s Child Abuse Awareness Month. They made the ribbons and then passed them out to all the classes.

The next activity we are working on will be for the local domestic violence shelter. They are discussing either a bake sale or a collection of needed articles. We have such a generous group of kids!

We are always grateful for your prayers – we have seen the power of them over and over. Prayers to keep our children safe, prayers for our staff to better serve them in ways they need, and for healing old and new wounds of all kinds. Thank you for your generous support of our programs and all you do! I love it here!

God bless,

Robin, Special Education Teacher

St. Joseph’s students: Impacting the community

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

Our Lakota students have been busy lately, working hard to make their communities better places!

This past weekend, Chamberlain High School hosted its annual powwow.  The Native American Club – including many of St. Joseph’s high school students – worked behind the scenes to get things ready. Lots of St. Joseph’s staff and younger students also contributed their time and effort to set up, take part in the dancing and drum groups, help out with the food, judging and just be present to participate in this aspect of their culture and heritage.  One of our seventh grade students, Iyung, was crowned Junior Miss Chamberlain High School.  The powwow was held at the Chamberlain Community Center.

Also on Saturday, the Explorers group held a car wash to raise funds to help cover the cost of improvements to the community swimming pool. The boys washed and vacuumed 105 cars in only six hours!

St. Joseph’s boys are members of Explorers and participate in a variety of helpful projects in the community.
The Explorers washed and vacuumed 105 cars to raise money for the community pool.

The high school boys in the Sheehy Home helped out with a community-wide clean up recently. They worked around town wherever they were needed. They did such a good job, Chamberlain’s City Engineer made a point of letting the school know how impressed he and others were with the boys’ hard work.

We are honored to have our students represent our school recognized in such diverse ways and be recognized for their hard work. It reflects how our students share in the value of helping others since they are helped by the commitment of St. Joseph’s many donors.

Another example of how your generosity bears fruit is seen in the good news from Mary Jane, our Director of Alumni.  She sent out word that five St. Joseph’s alumni would be graduating from college between now and August:

  • LaSheena will graduate from United Tribes in Bismarck, ND with a two year degree in Business Management;
  • Janice will graduate from National American University in Rapid City, SD with her AA Paralegal degree and plans on attending law school;
  • Charity and Daisy will both graduate from Sinte Gleska University at Lower Brule, SD with AA Early Childhood degrees and plan on working toward teaching certification;
  • Steve will graduate from Sinte Gleska University in Mission, SD with his BA in counseling with an emphasis on Drug and Alcohol Counseling.

Six other Native American students are being helped through St. Joseph’s scholarship program:

  • Faith from Lower Brule, South Dakota, will be graduating from Duke University with her Masters of Arts/Public Safety;
  • Christopher from Springfield, South Dakota, is graduating from the University of Minnesota-Morris with a BA in Business Management;
  • Sandy from Lower Brule, South Dakota, is graduating with  her AA in Business Management from Sinte Gleska University in Lower Brule;
  • Kebra from Omaha, Nebraska, is also graduating from the University of Minnesota-Morris with her BA in Psychology;
  • Tamara from Alliance, Nebraska, is graduating from Oglala Lakota College with a nursing degree.

Thanks to your support, prayers and encouragement these 11 graduates will use their newly acquired skills to help others! Read more about St. Joseph’s alumni at

I hope you have great week!

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ


Preparing the “Senior Suitcase” for St. Joseph’s Students

Dee, St. Joseph's Transition Specialist
Dee, St. Joseph’s Transition Specialist

Greetings from the St. Joseph’s Indian School High School program! My name is Dee and I am the Transition Specialist working with the high school students. My job is to help prepare students for life after high school graduation. There are many different opportunities for our seniors to consider after high school.

The “Senior Suitcase” is an important part of life after St. Joseph’s for our students. We — and our generous donors — want students to be prepared for their future and living independently.

Students had a list and a budget to stick to while they packed their “Senior Suitcase.”
Angela compares prices to be sure she’s getting the best deal.

In understanding this idea, students received a budget and are able to purchase items needed that they will use once they depart from our campus — things like a microwave, television and laundry basket.

We know that our students have diverse plans once graduated (college, vo-tech school, military or workforce). So, with a budgeted amount of money, an itemized list and some guidance from staff, students can chose what they feel is suitable for them and what will come next in their life.

Our six graduating seniors were very appreciative and grateful to have this opportunity! Thank you for your support and the great opportunity that this has provided for our students.


Transition Specialist

The “Senior Suitcase” enables students to purchase things they’ll need when they leave high school.
Erica has everything she needs for her college dorm room!

Lakota students celebrate 20th Annual Sobriety Walk

Good day from St. Joseph’s Indian School!

Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph's Chaplain
Fr. Anthony, St. Joseph’s Chaplain

It has been an interesting and eventful week at St. Joseph’s.  Weather is getting warmer, but we do need rain.  We did our 20th Annual Sobriety Walk this past Friday. The students gathered in front of the rec center and then headed out for their walk into the community. There was a small group of students that had enough energy to run the distance.

Everyone has supper together in the dining hall and then the older grades attended the presentation on avoiding alcohol and drugs. Everyone had a great time!

St. Joseph’s holds three sobriety celebrations each year.
St. Joseph’s Sobriety Walk was held last Friday.

On Monday, the eighth graders shadowed our high school students at Chamberlain High School to get a feel of what school is going to be like for them next year.  They follow our current students around to learn the layout of the high school and meet some of the teachers and staff.

Last Monday evening, members of Dave’s Government class attended the local Chamberlain City Commissioners meeting. It was a good opportunity to see local government in action and ask questions about what motivates the commissioners to serve.

Some of the students’ questions included:

  • What are some of the key issues the city is facing now and in the future?
  • What are the requirements for running for a seat on the city council?
  • Has there ever been a woman commissioner?
  • Can a Native American or other minority run?

They learned that there has been a female commissioner in the past and anyone can run for a seat as long as they live within the city limits, are at least 18 years old and do not have a felony on their record.

St. Joseph’s students and staff just completed a month-long food drive.  The food was gathered up today and taken to the local women’s shelter. St. Joseph’s students had the opportunity to make a donation with their home, or to make a purchase on their own for the food drive.

The Lakota (Sioux) children are so grateful to be able to help others and give back to the community! It is an important way for the students to show their appreciation for your generosity to each of them, and to recognize the need to help others.


In high school sports, junior Adrian was selected to the Big Dakota All

Adrian, a St. Joseph’s junior, has earned top basketball honors.
Adrian earned a spot on the Big Dakota All Conference basketball team as well as the SESD All Conference team.

Conference basketball team as well as the SESD All Conference team.  We look forward to a great year next year and a possible trip to cheer him and the Cubs on at the State Boys Basketball Tournament!

Sophomore Danny recently won the Lakota National Invitation (LNI) golf tournament!
Sophomore Danny recently won the Lakota National Invitation (LNI) golf tournament!

Sophomore Danny recently went to Pierre, South Dakota last week to participate in the Lakota National Invitation (LNI) golf tournament with 20-30 other golfers. We are happy to announce that he won!  Chris, one of our staff and the Chamberlain High School golf coach, shared that Danny had a tough putt on his last shot, but sank it with no trouble.

Congratulations Adrian and Danny!

Have a great week. Be assured of our prayers for your generosity which enables the Lakota boys and girls to take part in all these activities. Also, please join us in keeping the people of Nepal in prayer as they recover from the recent earthquake.

Fr. Anthony Kluckman, SCJ
