Hello there! I’m Maija, and I have the best job at St. Joseph’s Indian School! I work primarily with the Lakota (Sioux) students in high school and junior high. I get to plan

fun activities with the kids, train new houseparents, call applicants and more.
I had the pleasure of putting together a series of five blog posts that you’ve seen over the last few weeks – one post from each of our high school homes – and today is our final installment. We got started with the Hogebach Home, followed by the Crane Home and the Giles Home. Last week we heard about the boys in the Sheehy Home.
St. Joseph’s high school students live on campus, but attend Chamberlain High School, so their schedule is a little different than our younger students.
I hope this blog gives you a glimpse into our world; the activities the kids are involved with, their hopes, and goals.
Carola boys describe their home as a unique, fun, normal yet different home, which they’re glad to be a part of. The home is quite small for high school boys, but this provides them with what Wyatt calls a “male bonding” experience.
The boys of Carola are proud of their involvement in helping others in the community. They are COBRAS – Creating One Brotherhood Responsible through Actively Serving.

The boys have done some really wonderful and helpful things for others, such as an activity with the elderly in a local assisted living center, sending packages to soldiers overseas, helping load and haul rock and wood for a home improvement and cleaning up the rec center gym after basketball games, to name a few.
They are also actively involved at Chamberlain High School. Jacob and JaTonne have been up bright and early several mornings for choir competitions. Other boys in the home play basketball, football, run track, and wrestle. Jacob is also looking forward to the State track meet and hoping to go to state for wrestling. Jeremy feels proud of his football season this year and if his muscles get any bigger, he’ll be a force to contend with for certain!
Jeremy is proud to have been accepted as one of four exchange students going to Handrup, Germany, this summer and is looking forward to learning some pick up lines he can use with the girls there German.
The boys hope to end the school year with everyone getting good grades and are looking forward to the weather improving so they can go fishing and have bonfires.
Pilamaya – thank you – for your support of St. Joseph’s and these awesome kids!
Have a great week,
Maija & the Carola boys