St. Joseph’s Indian School is a “2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofits. Continue reading “Thankful x5: St. Joseph’s Receives Top-Rated Charity Award … Again!”
We serve and teach, we receive and learn.
St. Joseph’s Indian School is a “2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofits. Continue reading “Thankful x5: St. Joseph’s Receives Top-Rated Charity Award … Again!”
St. Joseph’s Indian School recently awarded $84,350 in spring-semester scholarships to Native American students across the nation, bringing the total awards for the academic year to $176,050. This spring, the school provided 68 scholarships: 16 to alumni, 13 to family members of St. Joseph’s Indian School alumni and 39 to others enrolled in a federally recognized tribe and pursuing higher education. Continue reading “Sparking Careers for Native American Students through Scholarships”
Fitting with the hype of March Madness, the love of basketball has been high throughout March at St. Joseph’s Indian School. The Rec Center hosted two very cool events that have put the kids’ basketball skills to the test. Continue reading “Love of Basketball High at St. Joseph’s”
St. Joseph’s Indian School and the Aktá Lakota Museum both recently received awards from local and state entities for a job well done! Continue reading “‘Best Nonprofit’ and ‘Great Place’ Awards Received”
Recently, Pope Francis announced the liturgical year of 2021 as the “Year of St. Joseph.”
As this is the patron saint for our school, it feels like an extra blessing. So, we made a video describing what else the announcement means to St. Joseph’s Indian School and we want to share it with you. Continue reading “2021 Named the Year of St. Joseph”
Every year, approximately 200 students live and learn on the campus of St. Joseph’s Indian School. We clothe them, supply them with virtually limitless educational resources, and nourish their bodies with healthy foods and their souls with teachings of Lakota culture and a faith in Jesus Christ.
Those are basic needs every child receives. However, each student arrives with specific needs, too. Rarely is there a common baseline to which we can measure success equally from child to child. Some students have behavioral obstacles to overcome. Some have health factors needing immediate attention. While others arrive fairly healthy and educated.
The impact of St. Joseph’s for each of these students will look different. The level of success will look different.
But no matter where a child may fall in that spectrum, we begin where all things start — the beginning. Their beginning. We begin by planting seeds, supplying tools and giving hope and encouragement that they can become something great because all that greatness already lives inside of them. They just have to recognize it for it to burst forth.
And they do. Continue reading “How St. Joseph’s Helped Prepare a Budding Astrophysicist”
Sometimes a few words can send a big message.
When parents and guardians bring their children to St. Joseph’s Indian School at the start of every school year, we have pillowcases and pens ready.
Pillowcases and pens? Seems like a strange combination, right? Continue reading “When a Pillow Means so Much More”
There’s a well-versed subject living in the library. His name is Bruce. Bruce spends his day in quarantine, but remains busy writing the third grade class at St. Joseph’s Indian School many, many letters. It’s quite amazing, actually, given the fact that Bruce doesn’t have any fingers …
He has fins … and a tail … and 300 pearly white teeth … Continue reading “There’s a Talking Shark in the Library!”
The sun was still asleep when St. Joseph’s Indian School students and staff rose on a chilly November morning. The grass was covered in frosted crystals, and breath from the group exhaled as clouds into the cool autumn air.
They had all risen early for one special purpose: for it was the day of the buffalo harvest. Continue reading “The Buffalo: Sacrificing Itself for the Benefit of Others”
Despite the muddy circumstances 2020 brought upon the world, you helped bring so much joy to approximately 200 Lakota (Sioux) boys and girls. Surely we faced challenges, but so many other successes took place.
Take a look as we highlight some of the great things you helped make possible at St. Joseph’s Indian School during 2020 … Continue reading “St. Joseph’s 2020 Year in Review”