At St. Joseph's Indian School, our privately-funded programs for Lakota (Sioux) children in need have evolved over 90 years of family partnership, experience and education. Because of generous friends who share tax-deductible donations, Native American youth receive a safe, stable home life; individual counseling and guidance; carefully planned curriculum based on Lakota culture and individual student needs and tools to help build confidence, boost self-esteem and improve cultural awareness. All of this helps children to live a bright, productive, possibility-filled future.
St. Joseph’s Indian School’s drum group, the Chalk Hills Singers, honor their ancestors with song.
The St. Joseph’s Indian School gym is typically one of the last places described as quiet. It is home to bouncing basketballs, cheering crowds and blaring buzzers. But early on Saturday mornings, when the balls are put away, the cheering crowds have gone home and the buzzers cease, there is a stillness – a quiet. Continue reading “Keeping the Heartbeat of the Drum Beating”
Eagle Staff Bearer Andre, Miss St. Joseph’s Jordin and Jr. Miss St. Joseph’s Makaia were crowned as part of the 2019 powwow royalty on Friday, Sept. 20.
After a dance competition and a Q&A with judges, St. Joseph’s Indian School has crowned three students as the 2019 royalty for the 43rd Annual Powwow. Learn more about Jordin, Makaia and Andre! Continue reading “Meet St. Joseph’s 2019 Powwow Royalty”
St. Joseph’s Indian School students got out of the classroom to pick sage.
For every plant there is a purpose. Sage is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many Native American tribes as an incense and purifying herb.
Because of its popularity, sage can also become costly to get your hands on, which is why St. Joseph’s Indian School takes pride in growing sage right here on campus. From a seedling to adult plant, students can witness the lifespan of sage and take part in another ritual: the harvesting of sage.Continue reading “Students practice the cultural ritual of harvesting sage”
Students swam as fast as they could during the Youth Triathlon held at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
To kick-off the 2019 school year, the St. Joseph’s Indian School hosted a youth triathlon at the Rec Center to help welcome back students. Our triathlon consisted of three consecutive events – swimming, biking and running. Students had the option of running all three events on their own or competing as a team of three.Continue reading “Sixty Students Run, Pedal and Swim into New School Year”
Four St. Joseph’s students and two staff members recently returned from a trip abroad!
Every summer, St. Joseph’s Indian School flies four students and two staff members to Germany as part of an exchange program with Gymnasium Leonium in Handrup, which is another school founded by the Priests of the Sacred Heart.
Because of generous supporters, all seven of our recent high school graduates will receive a Senior Suitcase!
They did it, and so did you! Our high school seniors collected their diplomas in May and now, because of generous people like you, they’ll have a Senior Suitcase stashed with essentials to get their next chapters started off right! Continue reading “Supporters Help Graduates with Season of Change”
All students at St. Joseph’s learn the Lakota language in their Native American Studies class.
The Lakota language is dangerously close to extinction.
According to the Lakota Language Consortium, recent linguistic surveys and anecdotal evidence reveal there are only 2,000 first-language Lakota speakers remaining, on and around the reservations of North Dakota and South Dakota. This number represents less than 2% of the total Lakota population. Continue reading “Joining the Fight to Revitalize the Lakota Language”
Thanks to caring supporters, books for all ages are available in South Dakota reservation communities during St. Joseph’s Bookmobile stops!
The following is a reflection written by two St. Joseph’s Houseparents, Mike and Bette, who participated in St. Joseph’s Indian School outreach program: The Bookmobile. This is their experience in their own words.