Students Celebrate Warmer Days Ahead

On a cold and blustery February day there is no better way to shake off the winter blues than by celebrating “I Hate Winter Day”!

“What is this?” you may ask. Well, it’s a fun-filled day for St. Joseph’s Indian School students and staff to anticipate the coming of summer and celebrate the many things that make it so special. Continue reading “Students Celebrate Warmer Days Ahead”

Staff Reflection: Catholic Schools Week

Some fourth through sixth grade students took a donation of food to a local food pantry.
As part of their service project for Catholic Schools Week, some fourth through sixth grade students took a donation of food to a local food pantry.

The following reflection was written by Joe, our Director of Mission Integration, about the Catholic Schools Week activities that took place during the last week of January. 

Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed. That is the national Catholic Schools Week (CSW) theme. Here at St. Joseph’s Indian School we believe we should live out this theme not just for one week during the school year, but rather for the rest of our lives. Continue reading “Staff Reflection: Catholic Schools Week”

Employee Receives State Award for Great Customer Service

Pictured from left to right: Dixie Thompson, Aktá Lakota Museum Director, Wanda Bunker, Historical Coordinator, and Kyndra Hosek, Gift Shop Supervisor.

The South Dakota Department of Tourism and the Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board recently selected Wanda Bunker, St. Joseph’s Indian School Historical Coordinator, as a recipient of the Governor’s Great Service Star award. She is recognized for providing outstanding customer service at the Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center in Chamberlain, S.D. Continue reading “Employee Receives State Award for Great Customer Service”


A new, more spacious High School Learning Center is boosting confidence and ratcheting up learning for St. Joseph’s Indian School’s high school students. These students, who reside on St. Joseph’s campus and attend Chamberlain High School, utilize the center’s current technology and positive environment to help improve grades. Continue reading “NEW HIGH SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER MAKES THE GRADE, AND THEN SOME”

Cookin’ Up a Feast of Food and Friendship for Others

St. Joseph’s students from the Stevens and Speyer homes recently gave back to others in need, and learned a few new skills along the way!

“What in the world are you doing?!” hollered the Speyer Home boys at St. Joseph’s Indian School.

Danyel, a daughter of the boys’ houseparent, paused to look up at them — her hand halfway inside a turkey.

“We’re stuffing the turkey!” she responded.

“We’re what?!” the boys said. Continue reading “Cookin’ Up a Feast of Food and Friendship for Others”

Bumps in the Road Couldn’t Detour a Donor’s Giving Heart

Judy and other helpers and donors gathered beside the truck before it made its way to South Dakota.

Judy Horton frantically held the telephone in her hands. She’d just learned the items she and many others collected in Newfield, N.Y., and surrounding towns, were not going to be delivered to St. Joseph’s Indian School by the original driver as planned. Instead, she found herself with a mountain of wonderful donations, with no way to get them to Lakota (Sioux) students in Chamberlain, S.D.

“What am I going to do now?” she thought to herself. Continue reading “Bumps in the Road Couldn’t Detour a Donor’s Giving Heart”

Poverty and Geography: How St. Joseph’s conquers the two big issues facing proper dental care

At St. Joseph’s Indian School, we help make sure students have access to quality dental care.

Many oral-health illnesses such as tooth decay and gum disease are considered 100% preventable.

So, why do so many children and adults across South Dakota continue to suffer severe dental problems?

The answer is two-part, and both affect some of the students at St. Joseph’s Indian School and their families. Continue reading “Poverty and Geography: How St. Joseph’s conquers the two big issues facing proper dental care”

Two St. Joseph’s Employees Receive National Honors

Brock, pictured teaching his fifth grade class, was awarded the prestigious honor of Catherine Hershey’s “Educator of the Year” award.

A listening heart, respect, community outreach and involvement, volunteerism, engagement, innovation, leadership – these are the attributes shared by two longtime St. Joseph’s Indian School employees that made them standouts to receive national awards at the Council on Residential Excellence Banquet in Little Rock, Ark. Continue reading “Two St. Joseph’s Employees Receive National Honors”